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Appy-Bies: The Best Baby Apps for Insomniac Parents

There is no greater blessing than the birth of a new baby! Whether you and your spouse have already b

What to eat when camping in New Zealand

You’re going on a road trip through New Zealand. You pack your bags, rent an RV, and head out o

Baseball Drills For Kids: 3 Drills That Make Practice Fun

fun exercises for kids Coaching baseball for kids can be tough: You have to battle hot summer days, s

The pros and cons of used jet skis

Just like cars, when you’re considering buying used jet skis, there are a few things to think a

Characteristics of Universal Life Insurance

As we mentioned in the previous article, Universal Life (UL) insurance was introduced in 1981-82, in

Additional Sales Scripts for Success at the Retail Sales Counter

Upselling is a challenge for many in retail. It feels awkward and forced, a task employees often do j

Why you should start a passive income strategy

What is passive income? It is the regularly received income that a person earns with relatively littl

Which Colt Python Pistol is Best?

Colt Python Pistol is Best There are two types of Colt Python pistols, the 357mm and the 357.6mm. The

A review of loss

As we prepare for the arrival of another little one in our home, we have been reviewing old memories

Gain muscle and lose fat: improve the Zig-Zag method

The zig-zag diet is a fascinating concept that has many followers, the idea being that by alternating