Category: Pets

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Trespassing of a repeat offender or puppy

The break-in leads the pack in terms of being the topic I get the most questions about, hands down. T

Will a pig make a good pet for my child?

When deciding first, do a little research on pygmy pigs, Vietnamese pygmy pigs, and pigs as pets. Her

Adopting a teenage Shih Tzu: advantages and disadvantages

A dog is considered an adolescent (adolescent) between the ages of 9 to 18 months. Most people tend t

Where can I find recipes for alkaline diets?

When you first discover the alkaline diet and its many benefits, from great levels of energy and vita

Information about Beagle and interesting facts about Beagle

Beagle facts and history can sometimes be difficult to figure out. Due to their long history of finin

Keeping your poodle safe from hot weather

Living in the south with all the hot summer weather can be an extremely dangerous time for your poodl

Raise money to invest using 11 strategies for the poor

Unlike many of my fellow financial bloggers, I got street cred (credentials) when it comes to being p

Are you a German Shepherd dog lover?

Even though I have a long history with dogs, I didn’t become a true dog lover and owner until r

How to Identify a Good Quality Yorkie Puppy

The Yorkshire terrier is a very popular dog and is in fact the second most popular dog in the US This

New Products and Technologies Unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas

While no one knows exactly what new technology will blow your mind this year like the iPhone did last