Will a pig make a good pet for my child?

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When deciding first, do a little research on pygmy pigs, Vietnamese pygmy pigs, and pigs as pets. Here is a brief synopsis of pygmy pigs and their care.

Pygmy pigs live for approximately 12 to 20 years. Since they have a long life, ask yourself if you are committed to helping your child with this pet during this period of time. Then understand that pigs are happier with another pig. Are you willing to have two pigs so they don’t feel lonely when there are no humans around?

The positive side of raising a pygmy pig is that they are clean animals. They are odor free and can show us a litter box. They are considered a hypoallergenic animal and do not carry fleas. Pygmy pigs are not usually destructive like a puppy might be and will entertain themselves with the same type of toys or balls.

Pygmy pigs or Vietnamese pigs have been around as a household pet since 1986. They work best as a family pet if they can be indoors and outdoors, which means they can have a space in the backyard to rummage, snort, and be a pig. This is important if you must give up your pig for any reason. You want your pig to know that it is a pig and that it can adapt to other pigs if necessary in another environment.

You need to make sure that your neighboring neighborhood allows a pig as a pet. Some areas need special zoning. You should also ensure that your local vet is comfortable with caring for your pet pig in the event of illness or injury. Many veterinarians do this with dogs, cats, birds, and horses, but not with exotic animals or other domestic animals.

Pigs are easy to care for but they need to know who’s boss. By nature, there is a hierarchical order and you must make sure from the beginning that the human is the boss and the pig is not. Otherwise, you may have a pampered and manipulative animal that will not be fun to have around. The pig needs to know where its territory is both in the house and in the yard. Pigs are highly intelligent, and while they don’t know right from wrong, they can be taught by heart to go to the right place to sleep, play, and urinate.

Pygmy pigs are talkative and affectionate. They are smart and will follow suit when playing and walking. But they require a commitment from the owner to receive care. If you and your child are committed to paying attention to the pig, a pig may be the right pet for you.

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