New Products and Technologies Unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas

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While no one knows exactly what new technology will blow your mind this year like the iPhone did last year, one place to get a good idea was the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas.

Sponsored by the Consumer Electronics Association, the 41st annual CES was held at the Las Vegas Convention Center and the Sands Convention & Exposition Center. The show has become something of a monster in the electronics industry: It is the largest technology trade show in the United States, with more than 2,700 exhibitors and an attendance of about 140,000 people. Many companies – large and small – use CES to preview new products, make announcements, and build buzz. In the past 40 years, the show has seen the debut of VCR (1970), CD player (1981), HDTV (1998), Xbox (2001), and Blu-Ray (2003).

Along with more electronic inventions, gadgets, and gizmos than would fit in ten Best Buys (display space is 1.8 million net square feet), the 2008 Consumer Electronics Show also featured appearances by celebrities such as Michael Douglas, David Ortiz, and XENA. : Warrior Princess. Tech guru Bill Gates kicked off the electronic extravaganza, delivering his final keynote address as Microsoft president and poking fun at his pending retirement in a video featuring guest announcements from Al Gore, Jay-Z and Bono. In his speech, he painted a picture of the dawning “second digital decade” as a time when high-definition displays will surround us, touch screens and speech recognition will replace traditional keyboard / mouse interfaces and every device we own will be connected to the Internet.

Judging by many of the new products and technologies on display at CES, Gates’ predictions seem pretty accurate. HDTVs were certainly more prevalent than ever. Panasonic wowed viewers with its 150-inch Lifescreen Plasma TV, the world’s largest, while LG introduced super-slim televisions just 1.7 inches thick. Meanwhile, Logitech worked to close the media gap with its diNovo MiniTM, a palm-sized wireless keyboard that connects TV to PC, and Eye-Fi won Yahoo’s “Last Gadget Standing” contest. by your memory card that sends images wirelessly from a digital device. camera to a computer. Beyond Gates’ digital prophecy, other trends at CES 2008 point to a future filled with global positioning system (GPS) technology and, of course, more automated products for everyday life.

Ideal for hunters and hikers, SPOT Satellite Messenger takes GPS to the next level by allowing people to call for help from anywhere in the world (even places where cell phones don’t work, i.e. deserts, mountains, the Arctic Circle). Tracking progress with Google Maps and sending basic messages are also available at the touch of a button. For the wandering pet, there is the Zoombak Advanced GPS Dog Locator. The lightweight device attaches to a pet’s collar and pinpoints the animal’s location on a full-size web map. Zoombak also has a voice service that provides directions to the location of the GPS receiver. In addition to these devices, Nav N Go has invented a new 3D navigation software, which brings GPS maps to life in three dimensions.

While GPS systems help people find their way, automated cars may get them there. GM announced at CES that the company plans to test driverless car technology by 2015 and have cars on the road around 2018. Of course, the company still faces the difficult hurdle of convincing drivers to give up the wheel. Some other automated devices at CES designed to make everyday life easier include iRobot’s LoojTM, a gutter cleaning robot that can scrub a 60-foot section of gutter in just 10 minutes, and Interactive Toy Concepts’ RC Cooler, a Cooler radio controlled wheeled refrigerator that has a 30 foot reach and can hold a six pack on ice.

Also noteworthy at this year’s CES is the increased presence of “green” products. Cell phone, TV and laptop chargers designed to reduce power consumption illustrated the industry’s contemporary focus on making electronic products more resource efficient. Even CES itself invested in new initiatives this year to offset the carbon footprint of the big event.

Next year’s Consumer Electronics Show is scheduled for January 8-11, 2009.

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