Your job search requires a dose of perseverance

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The job search can be painful, unsettling and exhausting. We’ve all been through it at least once during our careers. When pressures mount, you can be hard on yourself, damaging your morale and self-confidence.

Many people want to work, but unfortunately the job search can take longer than expected, requiring some to be on the pavement for many months and even years. And yet, people do eventually find employment, and their success is based in part on perseverance through the multiple phases of the job search. How you approach your search has a direct effect on your success in landing a satisfying position.

How do you overcome adversity and persevere during a prolonged job search? Here are some helpful tips:

overcome your fear

Fear can be a detractor, but it can also be a powerful motivator. Consider the consequences of not stretching too far during your search. For example, in recent years a variety of new technologies have emerged to facilitate your job search. Learning about these technologies can be a daunting and intimidating experience. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone to see what LinkedIn and are all about.

Wait to hear “no”

Of course, this does not mean simply approaching the job search with a defeatist attitude. Expecting to be rejected and being prepared to be rejected are radically different. When you expect to be turned down for the job, it affects your attitude during the interview and becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Being prepared for a rejection is different. It is an intellectual attitude, not an emotional one. Understand that not all interviews will be successful.

patience is vital

On average, it takes four to six months of solid effort to find a suitable opportunity. Persevere in your job search, but also fight the temptation to accept the wrong role just to seize an opportunity and reduce any further despair after many months of disappointment. It’s better to wait for the right position rather than start the job search process all over again a year from now.

revitalize yourself

It is important to understand that each of us has a reserve of energy waiting to be tapped. As with competitive runners, a “second wind” is available and ready to be unleashed at any moment and for whatever physical or mental activity we need to tackle. We all have an untapped reservoir of adrenaline that helps us persevere when we think we’ve “hit the wall.” Yet too often we fail to tap into our reserves.

Be picky about apps

Find the roles that best fit your skill set and allow you to present yourself in the most confident manner. It is possible to eliminate many potential rejections by doing your homework thoroughly before submitting a resume. I can’t stress this enough. Do not apply to every possible opening for which you may only be remotely qualified.

Searching for a new job is a big task, and virtually everyone experiences job search fatigue. Being confident in yourself, your abilities, and being optimistic are powerful drivers. Do not waver in your determination. Instead, persevere.

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