Wishing on a shooting star: my childhood fantasies and beliefs

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Dedicating a shooting star … Do you remember when you were young, depending on your age, do you remember when you were younger how much simpler life used to be?

Do you remember being fascinated by nature or by some of the simplest things? I remember being amazed and fascinated by the horizon: the stars, the moon, the galaxy, but above all, by the shooting stars in the sky …

I remember it very well, and perhaps you too have vivid childhood memories. Do you remember who you were with, the first time you noticed, or fast enough to catch a glimpse, either directly or out of the corner of your eye, at the exciting sight of a shooting star, as opposed to the Hollywood type? “

I certainly do!

It was with members of my immediate family, it was a hot Texas summer in June, the year, I don’t remember very well.

Because it was too small to know the time or the date. I only knew that it was in the month of June, because it was shortly after that I found a photo of a family celebration. So I was able to recall the festive occasion and the inspiring moments that occurred shortly after. That photographic memory stimulated my memory of a mystical memory of seeing a shooting star, just a few days after that particular photo was taken …

That same night, I dedicated a shooting star, my request: to receive help with my childhood dream; To be in school.

To be gifted with a chalk board, like the ones I heard about, that were used in school, that teachers wrote on and that students were asked to read.

I was too young to start my education, although I really liked story time; pretend to write. The look, smell, and feel of the books, with so many words, was very exciting. I remember seeing my mom in the mornings from Monday to Friday preparing lunches for the school day for my older brothers and my sister …

Everyone was able to go to school before me, but I was more eager to learn to read and write than ever! They considered it a chore.

As for me, I just wanted to know how to do what they could do; put pencil on paper and chalk with words written on a blackboard …

I was one of the only children I knew who was eager to learn to read and write, and go to school, while other children played with barbies and bicycles.

He dreamed of knowing how to read and write.

I found cursive writing so fascinating and out of this world; I scribbled and scribbled and pretended that my scribbles were tales and fables. First I made up stories and passages, in my head; then he pretended he was writing the words that everyone else could read; of course, they couldn’t …

Not that I was a recluse, I just never got tired or read stories …

*** When I learned to spell my own name: You would have thought I had just won the lottery!

I wished again for a shooting star believing that this time a younger brother would play with me, hopefully a little sister …

*** No, he was a younger brother. I waited a long time for it. Seven years to be exact …

I read to him all the time, especially when he needed comfort or to take a nap during the day. She lulled him to sleep by making up bedtime stories about his favorite imaginary friends, Rainbolt and Tussy …

He even named a school through which he would meet Rainbolt and Tussy. Market School is the place where you could meet them and play together.

I wished for a shooting star again and again, and it took me a long time, this time, but I finally met my prince. He sits with me today, and he has taken me on many trips since the day we met … His big brown and almond eyes look at me lovingly every day when I sleep; I know because I catch it when I wake up!

… Do you remember the first time you made a wish on a shooting star? If not, the next time you look up into the dark night sky and see a shooting star; It never hurts to make a silent wish.

You may one day be surprised to watch and see your dreams manifest before your eyes!

I have met many stars in my life, although none have been the conventional idea or description of a star to anyone but me. Some have been excellent lawyers, doctors, writers, painters, poets, and even great teachers.

I am still humbled by the fact that I had many great teachers in my life. Teachers are the facilitators and leaders who encouraged me to seek an audience for my metaphysical poetry and my informational writing.

I was so inspired by the gift of teaching that the teacher gives me that when I lived abroad, I dedicated my career to teaching vocabulary and writing to foreign students.

They taught me so much more about life and adventure during the process, I think as a teacher I learned so much more about myself and my ability to enjoy the creativity and beauty of their soul-emitting artistic creations, paintings, music, cartoons. , short films and essays …

Many thanks to all the beautiful teachers in the United States and everywhere; you are the FALLING STARS that were placed on earth to give us your knowledge and patience.

My biggest wish for a shooting star is for teachers to receive the PAYMENT and THANK YOU that they ONLY give to our youth in the time that our youth lend them during the hours they spend in school. Our teachers are a wonderful source of tutoring. Teachers give our children the opportunity to demonstrate their talents and abilities to themselves first, and then to the rest of the world!

Thank you very much MS. Quill, you were interested in my talent for writing and communication. You started the structure and you continue through the attitude that still exudes today. You were compassionate to me and I appreciate the way you showed so much care. In fact, he took the time to look over the shoulders of each of his students, individually.

She joyfully gave each of us encouragement, especially as she provided the foundation and educational tools for correct punctuation and writing for me and my peers!

*** I enjoy learning from you and others who continually offer me knowledge!

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