Why the world needs empaths and how empaths can survive the world

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In his New York Times bestseller, Emotional freedom: free yourself from negative emotions and transform your life (2011), Dr. Judith Orloff defines empaths as “highly sensitive, finely tuned instruments … who feel everything, sometimes to the extreme, and are less apt to intellectualize feelings.”

There is no doubt that empaths are special, sensitive and beautiful people. Without them, the world would be one without passion, love, understanding, and support.

All people need empaths in their lives.

The sad reality is that many empaths suffer from constant fear, stress, anxiety, or lack of meaning in their lives. Empaths are heroes because, unlike many of us, they choose not to hide their soul and compassion from others. They make themselves available without hesitation, whenever necessary, and surround those who need them in a beautiful circle of love.

Our planet needs empaths.

They have the power to make other people great; unfortunately, they don’t know how to get big, and that’s really unfortunate.

In order to be great, empaths must be careful not to give themselves unconditionally to others. They need to save some of their energy to themselves – adding more stress to their already existing anxiety would be unhealthy. It is important for empaths to learn how to have a peaceful, relaxing, and enjoyable life for themselves, first and foremost. They have to believe that everything starts with them. If you don’t have enough energy or love for yourself, how can you give love and energy to others? No individual can give away something that he does not have.

Therefore, empaths must make a place in their lives where they can relax. This place should be separate from the rest of the world, that part of your world that causes you stress. This is the place where empaths can replenish their energy and come back when life gets too busy, hectic, or too demanding. And when they are in that special place, their only purpose should be to relax, meditate, visualize, sit and listen to their favorite music … or just be quiet and feel Feelings, to think your thoughts, or read a book that teaches you – assures you – that you are not alone on this Earth. These are easy and effective ways empaths can de-stress and recharge.

Empaths are a precious gift to the world.

Therefore, they should not constantly worry about their health or how to save the world.

Yes, empaths need to realize that the world would survive even without them and that their lives don’t have to be that difficult. They need to connect with their own beliefs and spirituality. This will make a difference, make them stronger, and allow them to be kinder to themselves so that they can live healthier and more enjoyable lives.

Empaths require a balance between helping others and helping themselves. They feel more than they need to, and this is a problem that modern medicine cannot help them with. There is no cure for an empath’s love. Western medicine treats the symptoms, not the soul or spirit. Therefore, empaths must be their own healthcare providers, and as a result, they are your best possible healers.

When a person’s emotional life is healthy, their physical health will improve immediately. This is called the mind-body connection, and it works!

When they feel overwhelmed, or when things seem to fall apart, empaths need to go within themselves, within their spirit, and find their cure: their place of comfort. It is a sacred place and they deserve to have it.

And as long as they do, they will have enough passion, love, understanding, and support to give to the rest of the world.

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