What is the average male stamina and how does it compare?

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What is the average male stamina? That’s a question probably asked by almost every guy who wasn’t born with Peter North or Ron Jeremy’s bedroom stamina. Sexual stamina is one of the most common male insecurities, ranking with (and possibly higher than) penis size. Men all over the world worry about falling short of the average and are therefore constantly looking for ways to stop premature ejaculation and increase the time they can be sexually active.

But what is the average?

This is just a hunch, but my guess is that the answer you would get if you asked fifty women would be very different than if you asked fifty men. For one thing, the average man spends a lot more time watching adult movies than the average woman. Therefore, he is more exposed to a world where 45-minute sex marathons are the norm. Also, women tend to be brutally honest, sometimes to a fault, about how their lovers compare and where they fall short.

That being said, the most comprehensive and unbiased studies have put the average male stamina at somewhere between two and five minutes. This is a bit disturbing, considering that it takes the average woman approximately twenty minutes to reach full orgasm during intercourse.

So if you fall in this average range or below, you probably already know that you need to increase your staying power to really satisfy your partner. Perhaps you have tried creams and pills and received disappointing results. I know I did when I began my transition from “bombshell Charlie” to a fulfilling lover.

However, once I realized that the natural techniques really work and do not carry any of the risks of external methods, I was hooked. I started with Kegels to strengthen my PC muscles, then studied more advanced techniques that tripled my stamina in a matter of weeks. Needless to say, I’m glad I took the time to learn about natural techniques to stop premature ejaculation, and my girlfriend is more than happy!

Always remember, when it comes to self-improvement, the power to make it happen always comes from within!

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