What is goose bumps and can you control it?

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In this article I’m going to talk about what goose bumps are, why we have them, and if you can control them.

Do you believe in ghosts? Some people do and others do not, but the reality is that they cannot be proven that they do not exist and they cannot be proven that they exist.

Yesterday, I was watching a movie called The Other Side of the Door which was not very good, but in one scene my whole body got goose bumps, very bad.

It was the scene where you knew something really creepy and bad was about to happen. So why do we get goose bumps?

Under the outer layer of the skin we have very small muscles known as arrector pili.

When you are cold, they will decrease in size making the skin around you appear larger. The word goose bumps comes from what a bird looks like when its feathers have been plucked.

Have you ever noticed that a cat’s hair seems to stand on end when it feels threatened. Yes, it is due to goose bumps.

It’s almost like when you see a cougar walking, you want to look as big as possible to be left alone. Making your hair stand out a bit can make you appear larger and is therefore a survival mechanism.

If you’re cold, your hair sticking out a bit can keep you a little warmer. So you can see how it can help, but since we don’t have hair, it’s really useless, is it?

Do you believe in intuition? Like in that horror movie, I knew something bad was going to happen and goose bumps is another way my intuition was talking to me saying “get out of here.”

Have you ever wondered if you could control goosebumps and how to do it?

It turns out that some people just with their mind can get goosebumps, almost as if they were telling their body to walk. Then they can remove goose bumps from Will. Aside from a cool party trick, I really don’t think it’s of much use to do it.

So how do you do it? Aside from watching a horror movie and sticking my hand in the freezer, sadly I don’t know. I have been looking for methods to do it with my mind and I found some answers. Then I try the techniques and they don’t work for me.

If you know of a cool trick to give you goosebumps, share it in the comments section below.

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