West Highland White Terrier Basic Information

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The West Highland White Terrier is an amazing breed of dog. They are sometimes known as Westies and have a very energetic and unique personality. They make a great pet for adults and older children as they are very friendly and love all the attention they can get. However, they are not recommended as pets for young children. They are well known for their energy and persistence. They show aggression towards their prey, which consists of smaller animals like squirrels and rabbits. They have the appearance of a guard dog because they are always alert and ready for anything.

They are also considered to have a strong bone structure for such a small breed of dog. Its head is rounded in shape and its limbs are very muscular. The West Highland White Terrier has a brilliant white coat and normally weighs between fifteen and twenty pounds. The average height of this breed of dog is eleven inches. One thing that surprises many people is the fact that the teeth of this breed appear to be large compared to the rest of their body. This is probably due to the way they interlock with each other and have what is known as a scissors bite.

The West Highland White Terrier has been used in various commercials and on the label of different packaging for items such as dog food. Their unique qualities have made them very popular. They have beautiful bright but deep set eyes and are said to have a piercing gaze. Their ears are small but they stay pointed and erect unless they are irritated and bothered by something. They naturally have a harsh, medium-length outer coat and a soft but fairly dense undercoat. They also have webbed feet, something that many people are unaware of. They need room to run and play to stay happy and healthy.

The West Highland White Terrier is a very possessive dog when it comes to his master, food, or anything that belongs to him, such as his favorite toys. It is highly recommended that if you see one of these dogs with their tails hanging down and their ears back, that you stay away as they are probably in a bad mood and you don’t need to provoke them. Regular grooming is a requirement if you want to keep one of these beautiful dogs as a pet. To perk up their temperament, they get along well with other animals and are a wonderful companion who can show you lots of love and fun.

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