Week-by-week pregnancy and cranio-sacral therapy

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The nine months of pregnancy are divided into three trimesters, each of which lasts for three months (approximately 14 weeks each). I have noticed that each trimester there are some common symptoms that pregnant clients find alleviated or alleviated by Craniosacral Therapy (CST).

Let’s consider the first trimester (that is, the first, second, and third months of pregnancy).

The first weeks after conception are when the organs and systems of the body are formed. This is known as the embryonic period. At eight weeks, the baby (embryo) is smaller than the little finger, but all the internal organs are formed and some are working. Some women choose to come to the CST in preparation for conception, as these first few weeks are very vital to the development of their baby.

Some expectant moms may wonder if it is safe to undergo CranioSacral treatments during pregnancy.

It is safe and desirable as cranio-sacral work helps the body adapt to changes throughout 40 weeks, and it is desirable that your body functions at its best to support your growing baby.

Another concern I hear sometimes in my clinic is whether the CST will induce preterm labor.

Cranio-sacral therapy when properly applied by a qualified CST therapist never goes against what your body wants to do. However, miscarriages occur in the first 12 weeks and if there is any problem with the pregnancy, it may happen that the body wants to abort the fetus, then the CST can help the body in what it naturally wants to do.

Nausea is a common symptom in the first few weeks and can be triggered by a sensitivity to smells and certain foods. These symptoms are relieved with CranioSacral therapy, and treatment in the early stages of pregnancy allows you to relax, help you adjust to your changing body, and establish a close connection with your growing baby. As the touch in CranioSacral therapy is very soft, it is the most suitable treatment from the first weeks of pregnancy.

Another symptom experienced by the newly pregnant mother is tiredness. Joan came for CST when she was ten weeks pregnant. I had a 2-year-old boy and worked full time. During treatments that used a certain relaxation-inducing touch, she would go into deep relaxation and sometimes even sleep. She then felt better able to cope with her busy schedule and gave birth to a healthy baby boy, Oliver, at 39 weeks.

Second trimester (4th, 5th, 6th) months.

As the nausea and tiredness of the first trimester wears off (for most!), The second trimester is a time of well-being. One problem I see with some clients at this stage is heartburn / acid reflux. This occurs when the growing baby puts pressure on the stomach.

Mayor attended my clinic suffering from reflux while she was expecting her third child. She told me that she had had digestion problems during her two previous pregnancies and had heard from a friend that CranioSacral therapy could help relieve heartburn. During his first treatment, I put my hands on his lower ribs and within minutes he could feel the tension around his diaphragm go away. Then she felt like she had more room for the baby and the pressure on her esophagus had been released. This helped reduce the flow of acid from the stomach to the throat. The combination of treatments with avoiding rich foods, eating smaller meals, and wearing looser clothing also helped with reflux.

If the expectant mom is anxious and taking on more than she can handle, this can result in tension headaches. I have often treated clients for back pain and they will find that their headaches are gone as well. CranioSacral Therapy helps the client to tune in to the message that comes from their body. They may discover the underlying reason causing your tension headache, namely concerns about labor or the need for more rest. CST offers time to research what is really going on and the tools to access solutions to these queries.

The third trimester (seventh, eighth, ninth month).

Your body indicates a slowdown in the third trimester when tiredness and sometimes shortness of breath reappear. In late pregnancy, some women seem to suffer from nasal congestion because hormones in the body (which soften the vagina for birth) cause the membranes within the nasal passages and sinuses to swell. A gentle cranial treatment that frees the facial and nasal bones especially relieves this condition.

Some clients find that CranioSacral treatments combined with attention to diet alleviate congestion. And once the baby is born, this form of sinusitis will go away!

The most frequent problem that brings pregnant clients to my clinic is back pain in the last weeks of pregnancy. This can be experienced at any stage of pregnancy, but is most common in the last trimester. The CranioSacral treatment is an excellent treatment for back pain and some treatments combined with stretching exercises, yoga or swimming generally result in better sleep and less pain and discomfort.

Sometimes I can see an expectant mom just before her due date. Even at this late stage, it is helpful to undergo a CranioSacral treatment as it prepares the body for childbirth. Even if a labor stops, it seems to continue with renewed energy after a treatment.

Finally, it is always wonderful to treat the newborn, as it feels as if a relationship has already been established while the mother was being treated during the pregnancy.

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