Vibrant Living: Balancing Your Chakras Online

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Balancing Your Chakras Online

Vibrant Living: Balancing Your Chakras Online is an online chakra course that introduces you to the 7 energy centres of the body and shows you how to balance them. The course offers a variety of wellness practices that can help you get the most out of life, such as nutrition coaching, Tapping, Reiki Energy Healing and Acupuncture.

When one of your chakras is unbalanced, it can have a ripple effect on the rest of them. For example, if you’re having trouble with your root chakra, it can affect the rest of your physical well-being by causing issues such as back pain or weight problems. You may also experience psychological symptoms, like anxiety or insecurity. This is why it’s important to address each chakra individually, starting with the most imbalanced.

In this Chakra Course Online, you’ll learn to use sound and breath work to release blockages and activate the power of your intention. You’ll find out how to use vocal sound to relax your entire body, access and trust your intuition, get clear answers to your most pressing life questions, and clear energy blockages around money, wealth, and prosperity.

Vibrant Living: Balancing Your Chakras Online

Each of our seven energy centres resonates to a particular musical note. Listening to music with the same frequencies can stimulate your chakras and bring them back into alignment. So if you’re trying to balance your root chakra, for example, try listening to soothing classical music.

The throat chakra is a centre of communication and expression. It is linked to your ability to speak your truth and connect with others. When this chakra is balanced, you’ll feel able to express yourself freely and without judgment. It’s also associated with your psychic abilities and your third eye, so if you’re struggling with seeing clearly, this is the area to focus on.

When you balance this chakra, you’ll be able to see the bigger picture and make more conscious choices in your daily life. You’ll have more compassion for yourself and others, and you’ll be able to communicate with your intuition more easily. This is the centre of spirituality and your connection to a higher power.

This chakra is associated with feelings of love and peace, so if you struggle with feeling disconnected from your spirituality, this is where to start. It’s also the centre of your empathy and ability to give back to others. Try practicing yoga poses that involve the crown of your head, like rabbit pose or headstands, or meditating on the feeling of connecting with a greater whole. You can also try a Reiki or chakra specific massage to help open this energetic centre.

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