The Work-A-Holic Wake-Up Call: Four Steps to Effective Stress Management

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The world of journalism is reeling with the sudden death of Tim Russert, famous for being NBC’s Sunday interviewer on Meet the Press. Praise is pouring in from all quarters for this fine journalist, a loving family man, a generous and kind human being, a devout Catholic, who enjoyed baseball. So why did he die so young? Not a word has been said about it.

Russert was just 58, a vulnerable age group for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and heart attack, all of which he had. He surely she was taking all the appropriate medications. His doctor probably warned him to relax, maybe take a vacation. He had just returned from Rome with the family. But did his brain take a break too? By 7 am she had done her radio show and was preparing for her next assignment. It was not going to be.

The most important legacy that he left to all those workaholics is “stop, take note and change. You could be next.”

I caught a glimpse of Tim Russert about three years ago moving fast to catch a plane at Washington National Airport. Since my hobby in airports is looking up stress profiles, he caught my attention before I realized who he was. Raised shoulders, a slight tummy, slack neck muscles suggestive of sleep apnea, flushed face, perhaps from high blood pressure or from running, staring anxiously at the dashboard completed the familiar but not unusual picture. Airports are full of workaholics.

Workaholics put in long hours and their brains work non-stop 24/7. They yearn for their work. Their highs are work related, which makes them feel indispensable. They get up early to get to work before everyone else, perhaps to catch up with someone in another time zone. They don’t get enough quality sleep. They get their energy boost from coffee and a donut. The day is filled with problem-solving, preparation, and worrying about the upcoming event, sending adrenaline, cortisol, and other stress hormones pouring through your veins.

Most of the day is spent sitting in meetings or in front of the computer. A token exercise break can either help or cause even more stress depending on the thoughts going through your brain as you hit the treadmill. They stay up late to catch up, take a briefcase home, eat without listening, and call it parallel processing. Then back to the computer. When they don’t follow this routine, they rush to catch the next flight, have a drink, a junk food, and an uncomfortable night in a strange bed. His momentum is self-perpetuating.

Work addiction is an addiction like any other. Something has to give and often does. With any luck it’s just ill health. Or it takes its toll on the family, which is left confused and perplexed. The relief found in having a drink or in a relationship with a co-worker only complicates things. Men are more vulnerable because they have a higher dose of invincibility and determination.

Work addiction kills. Like any addiction, it is treatable:

1. The first step is to recognize it for what it is.

2. The second step is to address harmful lifestyle changes that individually have harmful health consequences, but together are disastrous. Cumulative sleep loss causes weight problems and can actually lead to poor performance. Mismanaged stress involves unhealthy coping styles, such as overeating, drinking, or aggressive behavior. Unhealthy diet high in fat and carbohydrates and inactivity due to sedentary habits lead to obesity, diabetes, interrupted sleep due to snoring and apnea, high blood pressure, cholesterol, heart attacks and strokes.

Solutions include restoring active habits throughout the day, such as getting up frequently, finding a reason to move, going up and down stairs, taking a short break to walk. Ban junk food, crackers, chips, sandwiches, donuts, cookies, or other office favorites and set an example.

When you feel anxious or stressed, take a few deep breaths, pull your elbows back, shoulders down, sit up straight, and relax your face by letting your jaw drop slightly. You will find that it is very difficult to feel stressed with your mouth open. Decide that you will sleep through the night in your bed. Avoid drinking or eating anything within an hour or two of sleep. Do not call or receive phone calls an hour before bedtime; dim the lights and avoid any serious discussion.

3. The third step is to learn, with or without professional help, to take frequent breaks throughout the day. Your brain in particular needs some down time. Close the door, sit in your chair for five minutes, close your eyes, and try to clear your brain of any thoughts. The human body and brain can handle almost any abuse if allowed to recover.

If you want to live, listen to Russert’s wake-up call.

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