The Ultimate Abs Workout – My 6 Pack System

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If you’re like most men around the world, you’ve often imagined what it would be like to enjoy ripped abs. It is amazing that this desire, shared by many men, is fulfilled by so few. From my experience, the main factor that prevents men from getting ripped abs is their diet plan. You simply need your body fat to be less than ten percent of your respective body mass. However, it would be incorrect to say that you should simply lose weight and not train your abs as a way to get a six pack. Next, I will present the most beneficial abdominal exercise routine for men. It’s a six pack program that will show you results if you break your tail, stick with it, and get your body fat percentage below 10%. Oh, plus the best part, this 6-pack program is totally free!

Best Abs Workout for Men – Abs Blueprint 1.0

You read well. The best abdominal training routine for men is on the Internet, it can be downloaded and it is completely free. It is known as Abs Blueprint 1.0 and was created by Rusty Moore of Fitness Black Book. Once you download this eBook, you’ll discover the 6 exercises you need to get a 6 pack abs along with the one exercise you’ll need to learn to make sure you don’t hurt your back in your quest for the perfect abs. Rusty then gives you the actual workouts he and his workout buddies have used to achieve a fantastic set of 6-pack abs. The best part of this routine (actually ALL of Rusty’s products) is the fact that he will teach you the best way to adjust the exercises so that it is possible to produce the most beneficial ab workout to suit your needs. He outlines the various aspects of an ab training session, explains when to use low-rep exercises over high-rep exercises, and when to use fast-rep versus slow-rep training. He called it flat for good reason. This really is the most effective ab workout routine for men because he shows you how to modify the 6 pack course to ensure you get results.

The Abs Blueprint 1.0 – A sample workout:

• Feet-to-bar bent-leg raises: 5 sets of 10 reps
• Bent-knee rocking from side to side: failure
• Renegade Rows: 5 sets of 3 reps
• Irons: normal iron for at least 2 minutes
• Hip or back bridges: 5 minutes

This is a preview of one of the most elite ab workouts within the model. Don’t worry if this seems too challenging. Rusty will teach you various exercises that will ensure you build strength in your abdominal muscles and you will inevitably lead to this elite workout. If you are not really familiar with the exercises, please refer to the descriptions below. You can get the full exercise and workout descriptions if you purchase Abs Blueprint 1.0.

The Most Beneficial Abdominal Exercises For Men: The Abs Blueprint Exercises

hanging leg raises: The hanging leg raise is one of the biggest exercises in Abs Blueprint 1.0. There are multiple versions of the exercise based on your fitness level, starting from your knees and working your way up to bent-leg raises with your feet on the bar. Rusty will show you a nice ab burning leg raise exercise that will make sure you get that V shaped muscle in your waist.

planks: Planks are often ignored in ab workouts for men. This is amazing because they are one of the most beneficial ab workouts for creating dense, rock-solid abs. Rusty also presents a few variations of this activity and will also show you a method to perform a burnout plank exercise routine that is a great finisher.

The Ab Wheel Deployments: Ab wheels are a simple and portable type of equipment that will really build muscle in your abs. In Abs Blueprint 1.0, you’ll discover the best way to work the ab wheel in a way that’s much more like a revised plank. This roll and hold strategy will significantly challenge your strength and stamina!

renegade ranks: Although they are not very well known, they are also an excellent exercise to strengthen the core. Plus, they work the obliques harder than most of the oblique spinal flexion exercises that are often proposed in sit-ups. Proper form is important here. Read the model very carefully to make sure you know how to start using this exercise.

Abs Blueprint 1.0 = My 6 Pack System

As you can see, these ab workouts are usually very challenging; however, by following Rusty Moore’s Abs Blueprint 1.0 plan, you’ll find the best workout routine for your current fitness level and then you’ll have enough knowledge to strengthen and improve your abdominal muscles and get the six pack you’ve always wanted. Who knew that the best abs workout for men would end up being the one that is free. Go ahead and get it today.

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