The six steps of wine tasting: see, swirl, smell, slurp, swish, and swallow or spit

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Drinking wine is different from drinking other everyday drinks, such as sodas or fruit juices. It is true that wine can also be drunk and swallowed without paying much attention. While many beverages we consume go down fast and without a second thought, consuming wine this way is losing its uniqueness and complexity. Slowing down and appreciating wine is a very special experience. This drink deserves a little more time and attention.

You don’t need to be an expert to taste wines, just have an open mind and a desire to learn. The aromas of wine surround us in nature and are therefore familiar: wood, coffee, vanilla, chocolate, herbs, caramel, grass and fruits, such as lemon, blackberry, raspberry, strawberry, apple, peach. If you smell it, you’re probably right, so an advanced degree isn’t necessary. It is about learning to recognize and then describe in words what you are experiencing. That comes with a little practice.

The first step is see. Fill your wine glass about 1/3 full. Holding at a 45 degree angle and against a white background, such as a tablecloth, look down into your glass to observe the rich color of the wine. Is it cherry, purple, black, deep red, pale red, lemon, gold, amber? You can describe the color in your own words. There are no rules here. Say what you see. Also, is the wine clear or cloudy?

next you want SWIRL placing the glass flat on the table, holding the base and rapidly rotating it in a circular motion three to five times. The swirling wine spreads it over the surface of the inside of the glass, releasing the aromas. The wine mixes with the air and the aromas are vaporized so that you can smell them.

Now is the time to put your nose in the glass and take a deep SMELL. Let your imagination and your sense of smell and taste fly. What do you smell? Again, if you feel it, you’re right. By smelling the wine you are training your memory for future tastings. Many suggest leaving your cologne or perfume at home during the wine tasting, as this can interfere with your perceptions and those of other guests.

Take a SIP, not too much, you want to be able to move the wine around in your mouth. Inhale gently as you sip, drawing the aromas into your mouth and nostrils at the back of your throat. Wine tasting is said to be 80% aroma and 20% tasting.

whistle wine in your mouth will expose it to all the different types of taste buds found on the tongue. Sweetness is detected at the front, the tip of the tongue, and saltiness at the top, the front of the tongue. The acidity can be tasted on the sides of the tongue and the bitterness in the center of the back. What do you taste?

The last step is to decide if you want SWALLOW Prayed TO SPIT Scoop out the wine into a large plastic cup and discard. Swallowing is, of course, a pleasure, but if you are going to taste several varieties of wine, you may want to spit it out so as not to confuse your palate. Another reason to spit is so you don’t drink too much. Swallowing can not only affect the taste of the other wines, but also make you drunk. No matter what the occasion, you should always know who will be driving home. Always drink responsibly.

Wine tasting is fun, so don’t make it a complicated scientific task. These six steps make the process simple and enjoyable. The main question you want to answer is “Do I like the wine or wines I just tried?” And then review what you learned about the wine or wines you just experienced. By following these six easy steps to wine tasting, you’ll soon develop your nose and palate and your wine vocabulary. You’ll be a pro in no time. Health!

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