The secret behind having ripped abs like the pros

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Do you crave the perfect abs?

Do you have a strong desire for a flat midsection?

Does it cover the image you see professional athletes showing off as they run their games and races?

If you want six pack abs, having a good program plan is a must. Make no mistake about it, this is not a goal you are going to achieve by chance.

Those who plan on getting ripped abs will get ripped abs, so let’s go over the secret tips you need to know for true success.

Focus on compound movements

The first thing that needs to be in place if you’re going to get ripped abs is a full-body workout that uses a lot of compound movements. Compound movements are great for getting ripped abs because your core muscles will be contracting throughout the entire movement pattern, making sure you maintain balance and control at all times.

In fact, you can get more core muscle activation during a squat exercise than during a back squat. Compound movements will also increase your metabolic rate more than most other exercises and this can help you maintain better fat burning throughout the day.

Since getting six pack abs is largely about maintaining lower levels of body fat, total daily calorie burn is incredibly important.

Get your diet going

Next, the second thing to remember is to kick your diet into gear. Make no mistake about it, if you’re not eating right, you won’t see flat stomach success.

Diet is huge when it comes to leaning, so you need to be on top of things. Eat a low-calorie diet that is high in protein, high in fresh produce, and contains carbohydrates at times when you are most active. This is what will cause your body to turn to body fat as a source of fuel, which will help you lose weight.

Dietary fats should not be completely eliminated, but you should keep them low to maintain proper calorie control.

Remember to rest

Finally, last but not least, remember to rest. While most people who embark on a mission to get flat abs think that more exercise is better, this is not the case.

If you exercise too much, you will only increase cortisol levels in your body, making you more likely to store excess abdominal body fat, taking you further from your goal.

Be sure to take at least one, if not two rest days a week and keep stress from your lifestyle to a minimum to prevent cortisol release.

So be sure to follow these tips and you can be on your way to six pack success. It is a goal that requires some work, but with enough determination, you can achieve it.

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