The psychology of drug addiction

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There is, of course, a reason why people become addicted to drugs. The psychological aspect of addiction is extremely powerful. The human mind is a wonderful thing, and the thoughts we have can become dominant in our lives.

Because we are these complex creatures, with thinking and reasoning capabilities, we can often dismiss the mind as only a small part of who we are. This is totally wrong, and in fact, the psychiatric implications of drug use (or, more correctly, drug abuse) are ever-present and can cause great disruption in an addict’s life.

So what exactly are we talking about here? The psychological aspects of the mind and how it can control our lives have been well known to professionals in the field for many years. For example, if one is the child of an addict, be it drugs, alcohol or whatever, his own mind will quickly justify the use of these substances as acceptable. Let’s face it, you love your parents and if they do then it has to be right and it can’t be bad for you. In effect, you are brainwashing yourself.

Of course, as we know from proven scientific research, it is a fact that drugs have an effect on the brain. It becomes a brain problem. Drug addicts’ brains get so used to having these chemicals in them that sooner or later, depending on the substance, they actually “talk” to themselves that they need those chemicals to function, and so the brain gives various (withdrawal) symptoms to the body in order to obtain those chemicals.

So what can be done to try to beat the psychological side of drug addiction? Getting help is a tried and tested method. Talking with a trained drug abuse counselor or other health professional is a good start in finding ways to overcome your addiction.

Wherever you are, there are many excellent programs available for those who have a substance abuse problem. The best of these will treat both the mind and the body. Because, as we already know, when you initially try to reduce your dependency on drugs, your mind will give your body a variety of withdrawal symptoms to get its “fix.” However, with professional help, it is possible to successfully break the grip that drug addiction has on your body, mind, and life.

It is not strictly necessary to go to a rehab center. However, this method is proven to be very effective. These facilities can be expensive, as can psychologists/psychiatrists. However, most long-term drug addicts find that if they do solve it, they spend far more on their habit over a period of time than the cure would cost, and the benefits to their wallet can be easily calculated. Even if it is impossible to put a price on your future well-being.

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