The perfect mashed potato

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Mashed potatoes, mashed potatoes, mashed potatoes.

Whichever way you say it, it conjures up images of comfort food.

Smooth and creamy puree with; sausages; cutlets and gravity; peas and gravity; Mom’s stew…. The list goes on.

But as with most things in life, not all mashed potatoes are created equal.

If it’s too runny, too floury, too clumpy, or too bland, it’s just not going to measure up.

The first problem for the perfect mash is the skin of the potato. Take it off, good! Well, my family often enjoys the ‘country mash’, which leaves the skin. This results in a chunkier style mash that tastes good and is healthier with more fiber. It’s just great with big meaty sausages and gravy. So maybe next time, you can try leaving the skin on.

But regardless of whether it’s peeled or not, the biggest obstacle to mashed potatoes is water.

The water actually filters out all the flavor of the potato.

So if your mom taught you how to cook a puree like mine “Peel the potato, cut it, put it in a saucepan full of water, reserve and when it’s ready, bring it to a boil.

Then it’s time to evolve.

Now this is a big step, but ‘steam’ the potatoes instead.

Peel and cut the potatoes into equal sizes. Put it in a steamer, place it on a tight lid and gently boil the water for 20-25 minutes.

To check if the potatoes are cooked, stick a fork into the thickest part. If it’s smooth, then it’s done.

Once ready, remove from the heat and drain the water from the steamer. Put a clean kitchen towel over the pot for 5 minutes. This will absorb any excess steam and prevent the potato from becoming soggy.

Then it’s time to do the best you can with your masher and use your favorite additives: milk and a knob of butter; cream; fresh cream and milk….

And then enjoy.

However, if steaming is too complicated and you can’t get mom’s instructions out of your head and still insist on boiling. Then use as little water as possible, use boiling water and keep the lid on.

Whichever way you cook your puree, remember to enjoy its simplicity and enjoy a fantastic meal.

Until our next cooking tip together.

Lisa “the clay cooker”

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