The 6 best natural remedies for the eyes

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A night out, the common cold, or shedding a few tears quickly reminds us of it when we look into our eyes in the mirror. Raising a family creates the need at one time or another for mothers to work their magic on sore, itchy eyes. Quick natural remedies for eyes from our kitchen are very useful. Mothers and women will appreciate this convenient option.

Women are constantly looking for quick tricks to alter their flaws overnight as they unexpectedly appear on our face. Our eyes quickly tell us when they don’t feel right and so does the mirror. Quick fixes do the trick. Getting in the car to buy the remedy is not fast enough and when the store is closed, there is no access. What could be easier than walking to our kitchen?

The eyes are very susceptible to swelling because they are very sensitive receptors.

Did you know that the eyes are the most sensitive bodily organs, and yet they are continually exposed to pollution and dust, among other things? We take this for granted and hardly pay attention to them until they throb or swell or ooze fluid warning us that something has distressed them.

Nature offers us once again its simple support. Unfortunately, life in the city distracts us too much from natural remedies until we remember that it is our most basic ally and that we can turn to it for practically anything.

If you have puffy, swollen, red, tired eyes or conjunctivitis, these simple remedies will be just what the doctor ordered for your home. They are convenient and quick and available when a red or puffy eye is least expected. Moms, take a look and see how easy these quick fixes are made in our kitchens.

Try these quick and easy homemade eye packs and rinses below.

Apple eye compress – a compress for swollen and swollen eyes

-Place a heaping teaspoon of grated apple between 2 cheesecloth squares
-Place each square over the closed eyes
-Lie down for 20 minutes.
-To remove, rinse with warm water.

parsley eye wash – a rinse for tired eyes, helps to clear conjunctivitis

-a handful of fresh parsley
-750ml (3 cups) of water
-Rinse the parsley well
-Place the parsley in a refractory
-Boil water and pour over the parsley
-Let cool and infuse for several hours.
-Strain through a fine strainer or a muslin
-Fill an eye bath with the cooled liquid
-Rinse the eye open, blinking a few times
-If necessary, use several times a day

Compress for eyes with potatoes – a compress for swollen and swollen eyes

-Grate a raw potato.
-Strain its juice through a muslin cloth
-Soak 2 cotton pads/balls in the juice
-Place on the eyelids for 20 minutes
-Rinse with lukewarm water

Egg compress for eyes – a compress to revitalize tired eyes, swelling

-First, bathe the eyes with cold water.
-Then apply whipped egg white to the skin around them
-Let dry a few minutes until the mask hardens
-Remove by rinsing with warm water

Soothing for the eyes with chamomile tea bags – soothes red and tired eyes

– Moisten and cool the tea bags.
-Place on closed eyes for 10 minutes

Instant eye soothing

-Place 2 cold tea bags on closed eyelids for 10 minutes

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