SWTOR Bioanalysis Leveling Guide – How to Take This SWTOR Gathering Skill to the Level Cap!

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In this post, we will see how the bioanalysis skill can be leveled from 1 to 400 and basically with all these gathering skills there are 2 different ways to level up. The conventional way, like the gathering skills in other games like World of Warcraft, is to run through the game universe and “gather” the materials you need.

Actually this is the best way and as long as you know which planet you need to be on each level, it is the cheapest way in terms of credits you will spend.

However, there is another way to level the bioanalysis and that is to send your companions on missions to collect the materials. Obviously, both have pros and cons, and the good thing is that using the mission route and sending your partner to collect the materials for you works very well if you learn the Bioanalysis skill later in the game.

That way, you don’t have to keep going back and forth between planets.

So as long as you have enough credits, you can use the mission method to level this skill. However, keep in mind that it will cost you about 15,000 credits to level this skill to 100 with this method.

Then between levels 100 and 200, you are looking for around 25,000 credits needed as the cost of missions becomes more expensive.

Bioanalysis of levels 200-300 will cost a whopping 50,000 credits!

Lastly, to maximize skill and hit the level cap, you’ll find that levels 300-400 cost around 75,000 credits.

This is of course if you leveled ALL the skill just through the missions and sent your partner to collect the materials and of course you could get some of that money back by placing the materials you gathered in the Galactic Trade Network.

However, if you’re just starting the game and looking for a bio-analysis level, I thought I’d put together a complete leveling guide to tell you where to meet each level.

Bioassay leveling guide from 1 to 400:

Bioassay levels from 1 to 90

When you start leveling up this skill, you need to head to Dromund Kaas if you are Empire or Coruscant if you are Republic.

All you need to do is activate the Resources tab on the map and you will see many places to farm for bioassay here.

You’ll find plenty of places to farm here and it’s just a case of running around and collecting the bio-analysis of the nodes. You can also level up to 90 here quite easily as you will normally do your quest missions as well and find the nodes level up as you get to the end of the missions on this planet.

Bioassay levels 75-140

Next, you will want to head to Taris. Think the same as you did on Dromund Kaas or Coruscant above and make sure you have the map set up to locate resources. Although there aren’t that many nodes on Taris, if you stay close to the planet’s starting zones, you’ll be able to level up to 140 quite easily.

Again, the beauty of SWTOR is that you have the crew skill missions that you can send your partner on and this means that if you have real trouble locating the nodes you can give this skill a boost by doing this.

Bioassay levels 140-175

If you need a little boost and are having a hard time meeting in Taris, head over to Nar Shaddaa and you’ll be able to get to 175 quite easily. Just head to the Red Light District area and you will find plenty of nodes to farm there.

Bioassay levels 175-250

Next you need to head to Tatooine and you will be able to find plenty of nodes to farm, however this is for a reason. Tatooine is very good for bioanalysis as it won’t be that crowded, but all the nodes are really spread out!

So make sure you have a speeder or if you don’t have it, it’s best to level this section using the mission skills and sending your partner back!

Bioassay levels 250-350

Here you have an option depending on the faction you play as. You must head to Hoth, Balsavis, Quesh, or Voss. The main thing to remember with these planets is that for bio-analysis the resources are quite scarce, however, if you are doing missions, you will be able to level up here in time.

If you’re ONLY going to farm, I suggest you take a look at Hoth first, or again use the Crew Skill missions for this skill to speed things up as long as you have the credits.

Bioassay levels 350-400

For the last leg of your quest to maximize Bioanalysis Crew Skill, you’ll be heading to Ilum or Corellia and the same here as the rest of the planets you’ve been to too! Activate the resource option on your map and start collecting.

Again, you may want to use mission skills to speed this up and hit the level cap faster.

Well done, you just maxed out the bioassay!

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