Sexual harassment: a symptom of the power game

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Ever since women entered the workforce in large numbers, the problem of sexual harassment has gained a momentum of its own. Although women may be highly educated, have the required qualifications and work side by side with men, nearly 60% are subjected to unwanted sexually determined behavior by the opposite sex. Even female doctors are not exempt, and many are harassed by senior male doctors, consultants, interns and patients. In educational institutions, about 55% of students complain of bullying by teachers or fellow students. One cannot walk the streets or ride public transportation without being harassed by thugs or pranksters. Sexual harassment cuts across all socioeconomic barriers.

Gender discrimination and role stereotypes are the reason for such behavior. Some men feel that women who leave their homes to work violate the biological roles of wife, mother, and homemaker.

Women have also come up with extreme ideas of playing “superwoman.” Some aspects of feminism make men distinctly uncomfortable and paranoid. They try to get revenge through sexual harassment. After all, they too are victims of stereotypes. Most men think that “good women” are not sexually harassed. But “bad women” cause problems by their behavior and dress.

In the context of this rapidly changing socio-economic scenario, more women are likely to seek employment outside their homes. Therefore, it is time for society to remember that women are human beings too and should be allowed the dignity of their rights.

What is sexual harassment?

Every woman has the right to her own private space. When that space is violated by verbal, nonverbal, or physical forms of sexually suggestive behavior, it amounts to harassment. This covers a variety of behaviors ranging from unwanted comments about a person’s body to sexual abuse and assault. The harasser may be overtly sexist in her comments or present an appearance of respectability, but make cunning passes or propositions when the victim is alone.

Types of harassment.

o Predators get a kick out of humiliating women, whether it’s through advances, prank calls, teasing Eva, or phone sex. Make comments of sexual color or unwanted physical contact through pinching, groping, kissing, or groping.
o The most common type is quid pro quo harassment in which sexual favors are expected in exchange for jobs, promotions, grades, or recommendations. This is a serious abuse of power by employers, teachers, politicians or film directors with ‘casting couch’ requirements.
o Some men establish a mentor-like relationship with the victim by pretending to offer professional or academic advice. But soon his sexual intentions surface.
o Serial stalkers are masters at the game. They hit in private so there are no witnesses. It’s just the victim’s word against yours.
o Some use bullying as an ego boost. Victims are subjected to pornographic movies, nude photos, and suggestive language.
o Harassment can be used as a retaliation tactic if a person feels rejected or slighted. These bullies make physical or verbal advances, use obscene language, make vulgar jokes, and create an unpleasant environment.
o There are stalkers who watch, follow, blink or bombard the victim with letters or emails.
o Many operate in groups, harassing women on buses, trains or on the roads by pulling on their clothes, or touching their breasts or buttocks.

Effects of sexual harassment.

Psychologists believe that chronic sexual harassment has the same effect as rape or sexual assault. The message stalkers send is “You are not a person. You don’t matter. Therefore, I am free to harass you.”

– Many victims begin to show poor performance at work or in studies
– Some move to another city, work or university.
– The victim feels humiliated and frustrated for not having control of the situation.
– May follow depression, anxiety, headache or fatigue. Some may go crazy or attempt suicide.

How to deal with sexual harassment.

This is a punishable offense and each country has its own laws. Every woman should be aware of her rights under the law. Sexual harassment must be recognized and not ignored. The victim must resist and show distance from her in the face of such behavior. She can have an open conversation with her stalker and tell her to say goodbye to her.

This can have unpleasant repercussions, especially if he is the boss. He may begin to find fault with his work, send you memos or withhold recommendations, and make your life miserable.

The victim must not fall into doubt and lose self-confidence. By not challenging sexual harassment, she may undermine her position. She must continue to go to work or college. But she must also document incidents of harassment, date, time, place, and persons involved and witnesses. She must submit a written complaint with specific details, to whomever she is under supervision.

It’s good to talk to women who have been similarly harassed and form a mutual support group. There are many women’s groups and NGOs that will take up the victim’s cause if management does not come to her aid.

If harassment of a serious nature takes place in a public place, the matter should be brought to the attention of the police.

Employer Responsibility.

– Employers, both in the public and private sectors, must take measures to prevent sexual harassment.
– There must be a defined policy in this regard, which must be published and distributed to all employees.
– A procedure for filing complaints should be established. This must be time-limited, and the victim must be assured of confidentiality and protection.
– A Complaints Committee headed by a woman must review the complaint. The committee should be comprised of 50% female members where possible.
– Disciplinary action should be taken against the harasser. If his behavior falls under criminal law, he should be reported to the police.

Any woman who complains of sexual harassment should prepare for a backlash. She risks hostility, isolation, denigration of character, or even physical harm.

It must be the objective and responsibility of society to eliminate sexual harassment at all levels and in all situations, in order to preserve the dignity of women.

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