Risks and Side Effects of Botox for the Jawline

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Side Effects of Botox for the Jawline

While Botox is best known for smoothing out forehead wrinkles, it can also be used to slim the jawline and help relieve symptoms of clenching or teeth grinding. This treatment, which is called masseter botox for jawline reduction, involves injecting onabotulinumtoxinA into the jaw’s overactive masseter muscle to reduce its activity.

The procedure can be performed in a medical office and usually takes less than 10 minutes. The practitioner will first cleanse the skin in the area with an alcohol swab. Then, they’ll use a thin needle to make several injections into the jaw and cheek area, usually at three points on each side. The doctor may ask you to clench your jaw or press on the muscles for assessment. Then, they’ll determine how many injections are needed to get the desired result. Some practitioners also massage the area afterward to distribute the Botox throughout the muscle.

Once the injections are complete, it can take a few days for the masseter muscles to begin relaxing. Once the effect wears off, the muscles can still contract, but the reduced activity causes them to atrophy and shrink. This results in a slimmer jawline and softer face shape. Some people need multiple treatments over the course of months before the jawline looks more sculpted and toned.

Risks and Side Effects of Botox for the Jawline

Although a few potential side effects can occur, these are rare. The most common include a decrease in mastication force, which means the jaw doesn’t feel as strong when you’re chewing or biting. Dry mouth can be another side effect, but it’s typically temporary. Paradoxical bulging, where the masseter muscles look enlarged even when they’re relaxed, can also happen, but it’s rare.

If you’re getting Botox for jawline contouring, it’s important to choose a qualified doctor and follow aftercare instructions. It’s also important to inform your health care provider if you take any medications that can increase your risk of bleeding or bruising at the injection site. That includes over-the-counter and prescription drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen.

One risk with masseter Botox is that the toxin might migrate beyond the intended treatment area, which could cause facial weakness or drooping. This is uncommon, but it’s important to discuss any concerns you might have with your doctor beforehand. You should also avoid rubbing or massaging the area after treatment to prevent this from happening. It’s also important to let your doctor know if you have any allergies or if you have had any other similar procedures at the injection site. This can affect your results and could lead to an adverse reaction. Other possible risks include asymmetry of the jawline or an allergic reaction to the botulinum toxin. You should also avoid smoking or drinking any alcoholic beverages prior to your appointment. Both of these can interfere with the results and can prolong the duration of your procedure.

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