Rio, an Olympic nightmare

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Political corruption, environmental disaster, pathogen infestation, financial ruin, terrorist threats, and drug lords: let the games begin. When the Olympic committee voted to award the 2016 Olympics to a city that has the dubious distinction of being one of the world’s leading crime and murder capitals, let alone one of the world’s largest raw sewage dumps, it should have raised so many red flags for each participating country that something was a bit demanding. And yet, what has already been going on for years has been a complete economic, financial and environmental nightmare.

When Arthur L. Caplan, a New York University bioethicist who wrote in February that holding the Olympics in Brazil would be irresponsible, he has always been right. Scientists still warn that the Zika virus is so dangerous that it would be unethical to allow the Rio Olympics to go ahead as planned this August. More than 100 doctors, researchers and health experts from around the world signed an open letter urging the United Nations World Health Organization to implore the International Olympic Committee to move the summer games from Rio de Janeiro or even cancel them. . saying they are concerned about the potential impact of the virus on global health.

The Brazilian strain of the Zika virus harms health in ways that science has not seen before. An unnecessary risk is posed when 500,000 foreign tourists from all over the world attend the Games, potentially pick up that strain and return home to places where it can become an epidemic. If that were to happen in poor and not yet affected places, like most of South Asia and Africa, the suffering could be catastrophic. It is unethical to take the risk, only for Games only with the risk of the Zika virus. The Rio Olympics are scheduled for August 5-21, and more than 500,000 foreign tourists are expected to attend the games. Earlier this month, the WHO warned visitors to Rio about the Zika virus and encouraged them to follow protocol, such as protecting themselves from mosquito bites, practicing safer sex and staying in air-conditioned accommodation.

These scientists cite precedent for postponing the games. World War I prevented the 1916 Olympics, while World War II canceled the 1940 and 1944 Olympics. According to the letter, major sporting events have also been moved due to illness, “as Major League Baseball did.” for Zika and the African Cup of Nations for Ebola. Professor Amir Attaran has been arguing that people coming back from the games could increase.” the Zika health crisis in Brazil to a full-fledged global health disaster. Given all the other issues with Rio’s lax preparation, major crime issues, and political turmoil, there is absolutely no good reason to hold the Summer Olympics in Brazil this summer. the Zika virus is more dangerous and in Brazil, particularly in Rio de Janeiro, the outbreak is more extensive.

These same scientists emphatically lay out several reasons why the Rio Olympics should be cancelled. First there is Rio itself. this city is much more affected by the Zika virus than any other place in the world. In Brazil, the Zika strain is more dangerous and life-threatening. And when there are so many foreigners crammed into the Olympic village, the Zika virus is more likely to spread and quickly spread to their home countries once the game is over. In essence, a global pandemic is a more likely scenario. Continuing with the Games violates what the Olympics stand for. The International Olympic Committee writes that “Olympism seeks to create social responsibility and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles”

It is time to put the health and safety of all above the monetary value assigned to the organization of the Olympic Games. So far, the infrastructure that is supposed to have been put in place to rid the city of Rio of all the sewage and pollution that has devastated the city for years, there are still vast areas left where human contact would cause further pollution problems. health than anyone expected. . Contaminated water, the Zika virus, ongoing gang violence, shoddy construction of venues, lack of safe transportation, and to top it all off, a bankrupt government have all the makings of an Olympic nightmare.

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