Relationships: Do relationships allow someone to get in touch with their unconscious mind?

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Human beings have both a conscious and an unconscious mind; however, the latter is largely overlooked. Not only is this mind ignored by society at large, but many people in the helping professions, those who are doing what they can to help people’s “mental health,” are also doing the same.
Although this isn’t much of a surprise when it comes to society, considering how outgoing it is in general and self-awareness isn’t encouraged, it might come as a surprise when so many experts are the same. At the same time, a society that lives very much on the surface is naturally going to produce both therapies that lack depth and people who are happy to practice them.

Two parts

When it comes to someone’s unconscious mind, this part of them will contain their “negative” feelings and the parts of themselves they consider bad, among other things. By having these aspects held in this part of your being, your conscious mind will rarely have to come into contact with them.

So, in the same way that someone can put things they don’t like in their attic and then forget about them, the same will happen internally. Their inner attic, then, will allow them to remove the parts of themselves that they don’t like and then forget that they have removed those parts.

a life job

Without a doubt, if one did not have this ability and had to literally bathe in their inner pain, they would soon end up being annihilated. With this in mind, having the ability to remove pain from your consciousness is essential.

However, although your conscious mind will lose touch with the feelings and parts of yourself that are problematic, this internal material will not simply be stored as items in an attic and will not bother you. No, this insider stuff, behind the scenes, will be pulling the strings of your life.

a part

What is held in your unconscious mind will have a great effect on what you are resonating or what vibration you are giving off. They, like everyone and everything on this planet, are made of vibrational energy, and in order for them to experience anything, they will need to be vibrating at the correct frequency.

This is not the law of attraction; this is the law of resonance, which is a law of quantum physics. So someone can have all the right thoughts and feelings in their conscious mind, but if their unconscious mind is full of junk, they might not get very far.

Other part

Along with this, and this is because parts of them are an energetic combination, they will come into contact with people who embody the parts of themselves that they have lost contact with. There will also be times when one will project parts of oneself onto people who don’t actually own what they see in them.

However, since your mind will be completely convinced of what your five senses are telling you, you will not be able to realize what is happening. If you were told that what you see is a reflection of your own consciousness, it would probably be the equivalent of trying to convince you that the moon is made of cheese.

a long list

If you could take a step back and reflect on your relationships, you might find that you continually come into contact with the same kinds of people. When it comes to what irritates them about others, several things may come to mind.

For example, they might find that they often end up with people who are selfish, have anger issues, and have a high need for attention. One could see that these people are being the complete opposite of them.


Now, if they were to pretend that these are not separate beings but are instead an expression of the part of themselves from which they are alienated, I would give them the opportunity to do what they must do to gradually integrate their “shadow.” side.” By seeing your relationships in a more symbolic way, you no longer need to be caught up in what’s going on.

And by looking at what parts of themselves they need to bring into the light of their own awareness and acknowledge, they can begin to transmute their “negative” aspects. The parts of yourself that you see as bad can change expression and this energy can be used creatively and to improve your life.


It is not that one gets into oneself; it is a time for them to be kind and compassionate to themselves. The truth is that they did not repress these parts of themselves because they are weak, bad or incapable; they did it because it was too painful for them to face them.

Also, when you get in touch with the parts of yourself that you see as bad and shameful, it will be important for you to keep in mind that this is just your dual ego-mind passing judgment. Ultimately, what goes on inside them just is: it’s neither good nor bad.


If you find it difficult to do this work yourself, you may need to seek outside support. This is something that can be provided with the help of a therapist or healer.

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