Piano Keyboard Lessons: 3 Things to Look For

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Piano/keyboard lessons are offered everywhere. There are live lessons and there are online programs and CDs and books that teach you how to play the piano or keyboard. The only problem is, if you don’t know how to play the piano/keyboard, you may not know what to look for in piano/keyboard lessons. That’s what I’m here for; to help you make a better choice.

The first thing to look for is the piano/keyboard teacher’s credentials. They must have a degree in music or a CD that they have published with their interpretations. There should be local testimonials or references that the program really works and that people are having success. By now they should be involved in the music industry in some way. This information must be readily available. Then take a look at his personality. It should be someone you can get along with and enjoy. If they make you too nervous, you should keep looking. There has to be trust and you have to be able to relax with them. This is essential to perform at your best.

The second thing to consider when evaluating piano/keyboard lessons is the way the program is set up. Will it fit into your lifestyle? Are the lessons every week? Do you need to work on their schedule, or will they work on yours? Do you have the opportunity to take makeup lessons or do you need to pay for missed lessons? These are important things to know up front so you won’t be disappointed later. Believe it or not, the more professional the teacher, the less flexible they tend to be. You’ll probably end up paying for missed lessons, working on your schedule, and following your rules. If you’re going to use a type of learn-it-yourself system (online, CD, or books), you’ll need to make sure you set aside time each week to go through the program and understand the terms of the contract. Do you allow returns? Under what conditions? Do you need to buy new books each year as your skills advance? Find something that works with your life, but keep in mind that you may be giving up quality for convenience if you push too hard.

The third thing to look for is the foundation on which the piano/keyboard lessons are based. In the best lessons, there will be a methodical approach to all aspects of the game. There will be music theory, technique, warm up, scales and sight reading, as well as improvisation. The music will include stuff from all the key firms, including from the very beginning. There will be an emphasis on reading notes for both hands and chords will be taught early on. In excellent piano/keyboard lessons, many styles will be introduced and the student will be encouraged to explore many genres and change the style of playing to match the style of the music.

While there are other things to look into and this is not an exhaustive list, it is definitely a start. Finding piano/keyboard lessons is a big commitment and can often be a relationship that lasts for years. Don’t be afraid to change if it’s not working, but do your homework before committing.

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