Online Mobile Panels: Market Research in the Mobile World

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The times they Are a changing’. Little-known fact: Bob Dylan was singing about market research. Market research is changing, and savvy businesses are seizing the opportunity to use smartphones to collect data in a timely and efficient manner. There are two options when conducting market research in the mobile world: in-app surveys and mobile-optimized surveys that are hosted on a web page and accessed from a smartphone. According to eMarketer, the average adult spends 131 minutes a day accessing content through a mobile app, but only 26 minutes using their phone to connect to the Internet. Read on for more reasons why mobile online panels are the future of market research.

Panel research, a method of repeatedly collecting data from a set of pre-recruited people, is extremely important in the world of market research. These people often provide demographic, household, and behavioral data, which may make it easier to conduct future studies. Technology, mainly the Internet, has transformed panel research methodology due to the ease with which we can access a larger number of respondents. Panel research provides many advantages for businesses, including: faster turnaround, higher engagement rates, and cost savings. Quantitative data can provide companies with information about the prices, effectiveness, and sales projections of their products or brands.

QUALITY: The quality of your data is important. According to a comScore report, the average American adult spends 2 hours and 51 minutes on their smartphone every day. By using mobile online dashboards, you can get reliable data as it is real-time, while the information is fresh in the mind of the respondent. They can also use their mobile devices to take photos and videos that allow you to gather the exact information you are looking for.

RESPONSE RATE: As we have discussed, everyone is glued to their mobile phones. Online mobile panels have a churn rate of less than 25% because you can access respondents anytime, anywhere, making it easy for them to complete the survey. With mobile, you can send push notifications to your panel that a survey is available for them, and then send email reminders. Studies have found that survey notifications increase response rates by 4-29 percentage points, and reminder emails have been shown to increase response rates by 3-8 points.

FOLLOW-UP SURVEYS: Follow-up surveys are a great way to gain insight into purchasing behavior, brand sentiment, product awareness, and customer satisfaction. Follow-up studies require ongoing interactions with respondents and obtaining their feedback over a period of time. In older survey research using landline telephone surveys or focus groups, it was difficult to obtain accurate data because it relied on the memory of the respondent. With mobile online dashboards, you can get real-time responses and ongoing feedback.

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