Official Review – The Power of Conversational Hypnosis, a Life-Changing Gift

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Today the power of conversational hypnosis created by a real world class hypnotist – Igor Ledochowski is by far the leader among hypnosis learning programs. Igor shows you in his unique way how you can cast a spell on anyone quickly and easily. You learn conversational hypnosis from scratch to an advanced level with the teacher himself.

The Power of Conversational Hypnosis is my personal recommendation and the best seller for the last three years. Initially, the course was controversial enough to be officially banned.

Igor Ledochowski is a world class master hypnotist. Igor teaches specialized master classes, training hypnotherapists in advanced skills, for professional hypnotherapist bodies such as the London College of Clinical Hypnosis or the Hypnotherapy Association. Igor is a full member of the British Society for Clinical Hypnosis, the Association for Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the International Network for Humanistic Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

“The Power of Conversational Hypnosis – The Course”

Of the many courses available today, why Igor’s – The Power of Conversational Hypnosis is chosen as the best. Below is a brief but essential overview of the course, a must-read before enrolling.

The book provides comprehensive and intricate details related to

hypnosis conversation that

it is easy to follow even for a layman. It contains twelve (12) sections beginning with the basics of hypnosis and progressing further improving your skills and knowledge. Along with the hard copy, you’ll also get eBook, audio, and video lessons that help you master the art by illustrating key points and techniques that are often difficult to explain in a book. This is one of the many reasons why Igor’s course stands out, the interactivity allows you to easily practice and develop skills with little effort.

This course focuses on how to use language and words to influence and persuade others to obey your instructions. You’ll learn advanced techniques for creating an instant rapport and getting almost anyone to say ‘Yes’ to you.

Not only do hypnosis reviewers rate it highly, but respected doctors, psychiatrists, and hypnotists say it is an excellent hypnosis product on the market. It enables laymen to perform hypnotic acts in everyday life that most experts would consider Like Impossible Salespeople, marketers, and copywriters will love information that focuses on getting people to follow your instructions and guide them through the buying process.

The course is more than its value for money when it comes to quality and materials. There are also 2 package options: standard package (audio course, manual transcripts and bonuses) and a platinum package (all materials, bonuses and unique access to Igor’s private account). Blog, Forum and Online Sessions). The Platinum package is a fantastic option for more serious users – the forum, blogs and master sessions are amazing tools that will skyrocket your hypnosis skills. Currently, the platinum package also comes with 1 month FREE for a limited time.

Unlike many other hypnosis audios, which are harsh and difficult to listen to.

Igor’s work has studio quality.

The first session, titled The Power of Conversational Hypnosis, helps the student get rid of some of the most common misconceptions about hypnosis, as well as learn basic truths about the science. This includes learning what hypnosis can and cannot accomplish. Session one leads smoothly into session two, which is titled “Beyond Signal Recognition and Rapport Systems.” This session takes the process of building a relationship to the next level, including helpful information on what to avoid if the relationship is to improve.

stay strong and established.

The basics of hypnotic language are covered in the third session and provide information on how to hypnotize people into being receptive to your ideas and verbal utterances. The tools that help you deal with resistance are simple and straightforward in their presentation. Session three makes it clear that it is possible to gain people’s attention and support, even if there is initially not much interest in what you have to say. Few courses are capable of explaining this subject as well as Igor has done in his excellent work.

Session five introduces the role of emotional triggers into the mix, calling attention to the way many people create visual images that provide form and substance to their perception of the world. Reshaping those mental images can also mean changing the way someone reacts to what you want them to do. Emotional triggers are a means to shape those images in your favor.

The bonus sessions provide more ideas and applications of the concepts presented throughout the conversational hypnosis course and provide some great hypnosis exercises.

Warranty: 60 days 100% money back guarantee

Suitability Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Professional.

Works on: unknown subjects, conscious subjects and self-hypnosis

Package includes: 12 downloadable CDs

Written transcripts of all audio

5 “Cheat Sheets” for reference

Topics include:

1: The power of conversational hypnosis

2: Beyond signal recognition and rapport systems

3: Fundamentals of Hypnotic Language

4: The strategy of authority – Tactics to ensure success

5: Emotional Triggers: Controlling Internal Images and Feelings

6: advanced hypnotic language

7: How To Destroy The Resistance With Stories

8: How to deal directly with the unconscious mind

9: How To Destroy The Resistance With Stories Part 2

10: How to Irresistibly Lead Any Interaction

11: Conversational Trance Formulas – Get What You Want

12: How to Master Conversational Hypnosis

Plus 4 Bonus CDs:

1. Shadow and stealth tactics

2. Advanced secrets to bypass resistance

3. The Super Hypnotic Narrator Induction

4. Breaking the Code of the Hypnotic Narrator

The Power of Conversational Hypnosis is recommended for anyone, from a budding hypnotist to an expert, salesperson, business owner, or in any industry that has to deal with people. It not only teaches you to have control over people in your workplace but even in case of your relationship where the persuasion of friends and family is much needed in daily achievements. By far Igor’s course is of world class value and a program worth owning if you ever Once you decide to change your life and have total control.

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