Migraine Symptoms: Why Should You Write Them Down?

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Chances are that you, like many others, suffer from that headache from time to time. However, if you notice that these headaches are becoming more and more common, you should pause and think about the possible cause of your condition. In these days of stressful lifestyles, migraines have quietly taken hold in the lives of more people than you can imagine. However, early diagnosis has the best chance of successfully fighting it. So, if you have constant headaches, you should check and see if you are suffering from chronic migraines. This is where a good understanding of migraine symptoms comes in handy.

The main cause of migraines is the dilation of the temporal artery at the temple and the release of chemicals from the nerves that surround it. However, there are many associated migraine symptoms that can be detected and classified as early signs of the onset of a migraine attack. Some of the common associated symptoms include sensitivity to external stimuli such as light and sound. In certain cases, smell can also be an unpleasant stimulus. Also, there may be symptoms such as blurred vision in the eyes, feeling nauseous, and vomiting.

When migraine pain occurs, the onset of the condition occurs in four different stages. The initial stage is the prodrome stage where early symptoms such as fever, dizziness, cravings, headache, etc. can be seen. The next stage in the symptoms of migraine headaches is the Aura stage, in which the patient feels a kind of disturbance before the actual onset of the headaches. The third stage is the manifestation of the migraine itself, where the patient experiences a great deal of pain. The final or postdrome stage is where symptoms slowly disappear after the pain has subsided.

A great indicator of the presence of migraine is the trigger. Common triggers that lead to migraines include exposure to smoke, a lot of stress, overexertion, hormonal changes (such as during pregnancy), irregular diets, and a disorderly lifestyle. You have to write down what you did before the headache started. This goes back even a day or two. Think about what you ate or the liquids you drank.

If you notice that any of the above is causing recurring headaches, you shouldn’t rule out the possibility of migraine. If, in addition to this, you notice the common symptoms of migraines, you should be on your guard and consult your doctor immediately. It is not a condition that should be kept out there.

Many people wonder how to distinguish a regular headache from a migraine. A good indicator of a migraine could be the fact that migraines usually appear on one side of the temple. Only in rare cases will you find migraines on both sides of the temple. Common symptoms, in addition to a throbbing pain on one side of the head, can be a definite indicator of a migraine. Therefore, we urge you to take immediate action if you notice any common migraine symptoms in yourself or your loved ones.

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