Microcephaly – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

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Microcephaly, which has always been a relatively rare and poorly understood problem in the general population, has recently gained much notoriety due to its association with Zika virus infection during pregnancy.

In this article we will explain what microcephaly is, what its main causes are, its symptoms, the forms of diagnosis and treatment options.

Here, let’s talk about microcephaly in general, related to several different diseases, including Zika. If you are looking for specific information on microcephaly due to Zika fever, visit the following link: ZIKA FEVER – Causes, Symptoms, Microcephaly and Treatment.

The size of children’s heads is directly related to the size of the brain. If the baby’s brain grows, its skull expands in the same proportion.

Our skull is made up of six bones that at birth are separated by fontanels (molleiras). This separation allows the skull to expand as the brain grows.

The brain literally pushes on the bones of the skull, causing them to expand. This rate of expansion is greatest in the first few months and gradually decreases over time as the fontanelles close and limit the skull’s ability to expand.

If for some reason the fetus does not develop the brain correctly in the womb, it will be born with a smaller skull than expected. These cases are called congenital microcephaly.

Microcephaly can also be acquired. A baby may have developed normally in the fetal stage, but the brain may stop growing after birth. Over time, her son’s body will grow faster than her skull, making her head look smaller than expected. These cases that arise after birth are called acquired microcephaly.

Early closure of the fontanelles, called craniosynostosis, is another possible cause of acquired microcephaly. In this case, the brain does not grow because there is a limitation of its physical space.

In most cases, microcephaly is related to a delay in intellectual development. However, in about 15% of patients, the microcephaly is mild and the child may have a normal or near-normal level of intelligence.

As already mentioned, microcephaly itself is not a disease, it is a sign of disease. When a child has microcephaly, one should try to identify the cause behind this change.

We will talk about specifying the causes later.

The definition of microcephaly used in the introduction to this article is as simple as it gets: a head whose circumference is smaller than the expected circumference for children of the same size and age.

In practice, however, we need a somewhat more detailed definition involving numbers or percentages in order to make this comparison with the rest of the population.

Historically, the scientific definition of microcephaly has always been somewhat complex and difficult for the general public to understand. The two most used settings are:

  • Occipitofrontal circumference (OFC) less than 2 standard deviations below the mean or less than the 3rd percentile (mild microcephaly).
  • Occipitofrontal circumference (OFC) less than 3 standard deviations below the mean (severe microcephaly).

In order to use the above criteria, the concept of standard deviation must be understood and a table with the circumferential occipitofrontal circumference curves for the different ages must be available, taking into account the characteristics of the population in question.

With the appearance of Zika cases in pregnancies, the incidence of microcephaly increased considerably and it was necessary to simplify the diagnosis, at least for newborns.

In order to facilitate and increase the detection of cases of microcephaly, the World Health Organization (WHO) has begun to recommend microcephaly as a simple measurement with a tape measure of the head circumference (head circumference), as shown in the photo that opens the article. .

Boys with a head circumference less than or equal to 31.9 cm or girls with a head circumference less than or equal to 31.5 cm are considered microcephalic.

It is important to emphasize that this criterion only applies to newborns and children born at term, that is, with more than 37 weeks of gestation.

This criterion is not useful for the diagnosis of acquired microcephaly or congenital microcephaly in preterm infants.

Various diseases can cause microcephaly, from genetic problems, medications or drugs during pregnancy, to infections and trauma.

Here are some of the possible causes:

  • Disorders of genetic or chromosomal origin, such as Down syndrome, Poland, Edward, Patau, Rett, X-linked microcephaly and several others.
  • Complications during childbirth or during pregnancy that cause a lack of oxygen to the baby’s brain (hypoxic encephalopathy).
  • Craniosynostosis (early fusion of the skull bones).
  • Infections during pregnancy, such as rubelhas, cytomeegalovirus, toxicoplasmosis, siphonilis, varicose veinthere, HIV Prayed Zika.
  • mensgitis.
  • Use of teratogenic drugs during pregnancy.
  • Maternal malnutrition.
  • Consalcohol umption in pregnancy.
  • Drug use in pregnancy, such as heroin, husbandAna, Prayed ocaine.
  • Smoking during pregnancy.
  • Exposure to radiation.
  • Meinternal folate deficiency.
  • Maternal metabolic diseases, such as phenylketonuria.
  • Maternal lead or mercury poisoning.
  • devilson mellitus poorly controlled during pregnancy.
  • Stroke in the newborn.

Although the above list is large and incomplete, many cases of microcephaly end up unidentified. This usually happens because they are caused by genetic abnormalities for which investigation is not available where you live, or by inadvertent exposure to harmful substances, or by prenatal infections that were not diagnosed during pregnancy.

The sign present in all cases of microcephaly is a small head, of a disproportionate size with respect to the body. Microcephaly capable of causing delayed intellectual development is usually quite obvious on physical examination.

Some patients with mild microcephaly have no other signs or symptoms other than a head that is smaller than the average for the population. In these cases, called isolated microcephaly or true microcephaly, intellectual abilities may be almost or fully preserved.

However, in most cases, microcephaly is accompanied by other signs and symptoms, either stemming from poor brain development or from the syndromes themselves that have prevented proper growth of the brain and skull.

Depending on the severity of the accompanying syndrome, children with microcephaly may have:

  • Late intellectual development.
  • Delay in speech development.
  • Delay in baby development milestones (sitting, standing, crawling, walking…)
  • Motor incoordination.
  • Muscle stiffness (spasticity).
  • Balance.
  • facial distortions.
  • Physical changes typical of the genetic syndrome that the patient is a carrier of (such as Down syndrome, for example).
  • Shorts.
  • hyperactivity
  • convulsive crisis.
  • Visual or hearing deficits.


The diagnosis can be made even during pregnancy through fetal ultrasound, which is capable of measuring the size of the fetal skull. The best time for this evaluation is at the end of the second trimester, during the exam that is often called a “morphological ultrasound.”

Although the fetal ultrasound is normal, the baby’s head circumference should be measured 24 hours after birth. If normal, your pediatrician should continue the measurements during routine appointments until the child is two years old and his fontanelles are closed.

If at any time the pediatrician suspects microcephaly, the child should be referred to a specialized pediatrician.

Some imaging tests, such as MRI, can provide important information about the structure of the baby’s brain, helping to confirm microcephaly and providing advice on possible causes.

Although there is no cure, there are treatments that help minimize the problems caused by microcephaly.

As already mentioned, babies with mild microcephaly usually have no problems other than a small head. These cases only need follow-up and do not require specific treatment.

For babies with craniosynostosis, there are surgeries that help separate the bones from the skulls, allowing the brain to grow without restriction.

In children with more severe cases, treatment is directed at controlling associated signs and symptoms, such as muscle stiffness, seizures, delayed speech development, etc.

The neurological prognosis is directly related to the degree of microcephaly, being worse in patients with occipitofrontal circumference below 3 standard deviations below the mean and in those with microcephaly caused by more serious genetic syndromes or infections during pregnancy.

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