Marvelous! Death and life are in the power of the tongue

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Do you speak of life or death with your tongue? Many people speak without thinking, and in doing so, they accumulate the same things they do not want in their lives. However, taking time to think before speaking will help you choose the right things to say at a time. Truly, death and life are in the power of the tongue

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit – Proverbs 18:21 (NKJV).

I call heaven and earth today for witnesses against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse; therefore choose life, so that you and your offspring may live – Deuteronomy 30:19 (NKJV).


Many of the challenges people face are because they talked about death about their lives or their families. And, interestingly, this effect continues to affect the person (s) even when they didn’t really mean it. Also, people carelessly exclaim to death just because it’s slang, but it speaks in their lives. For example, people say things like “It bored me to death” or “It makes me sick.” However, ignorance is not an excuse, because you will eat the fruit of your lips. That is why you must make sure that you do not speak anything associated with death but with life.

It’s your choice

You are a creature of choice. And God has put life and death before you, so choose life so that you and your family can live. So whenever you want to say something, consider your options carefully to make sure you have chosen life. Truly, today’s events are the result of your choices yesterday. Therefore, be slow to speak but quick to hear.

Life is in the power of the tongue

Now that you know that you can talk about life also about your life and reap its fruits, consciously choose the things associated with life and say them continuously. For example, talk about success, advancement, good health, victory, abundance, and blessings. Therefore, do not leave your life to chance and circumstances; Let your words full of life override the pronounced deaths that surround you. For example, if someone declares that everyone around them will be sick with the flu, immediately counteract them with healthy words.

The word of life

Jesus Christ is the word of life and he has come to give you life in abundance. Furthermore, the words he spoke are words of life. Therefore, when you accept the words of Christ and choose to speak only His words, you are certainly speaking life. And the good news is that the bank of the Lord’s words, the Bible, is with us. So, study the scriptures and speak accordingly, and you will be speaking life about yourself and your family.

The Israelites

They were careless with their words and they spoke death in the desert for themselves and God did with them what they said. Because they said they would rather die in the desert than fight and possess the Promised Land. And God said He would do to them what they said in His ear, and they did.


Caleb is a good example of someone who quickly countered the words of death that were being said around him. As the other ten spies spoke words of fear and defeat, he quickly spoke words of hope and victory. And God honored his words, in such a way that of his generation that spoke death, he alone with Joshua survived the desert.


Certainly death and life are in the power of the tongue. Everyone has the same opportunities to choose life over death. So, no matter the pressure to choose death, never give in to it, because you will eat its fruit. Rather, talk about life and hold on to your statement of faith and that situation will soon give way to your statement.

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