If you have an industrial piercing, this is what it says about your personality

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At first glance, a person with an industrial piercing may appear to be a nonconformist, angry at the world, and generally rebellious. But if that’s what you see, you couldn’t be further from the truth. I have spoken to dozens of people who wear industrial piercing jewelry. Here are the striking similarities in their personalities that may surprise you.

If there is one thing we must learn, and I certainly have over the years, it is that a book should not be judged by the cover. The same goes for judging people based on how they look, what they wear, or how they wear their jewelry.

I ran a not very scientific experiment recently and spoke to dozens of people who went through what is possibly the most painful type of body piercing possible, industrial piercing.

I wanted to know if there was anything in common about these types of people and their personalities. This is what I found out.

Industrial piercing is a version of body piercing in which two holes are drilled in a person’s ear. A single piece of straight jewelry connects the two piercings.

There are quite a few different variations of this type of piercing. They vary mainly depending on where the ear piercing is done.

Most of these people are very proud of what they have done. It is a painful procedure and takes a long time to heal.

These people are interested in trying new things and are not afraid to take risks. Given two paths to travel, they will more often take the non-traditional path and move away from conformity. They, for the most part, prefer new vs. old in terms of fashion and I don’t want to mix. They are proud of their uniqueness.

There is usually a strong level of activity in the right side of the brain with these people and quite often they have a need to express themselves in creative ways such as music or art.

They are often deep thinkers with strong opinions and a lot to contribute in conversations.

Depending on the type of jewelry they are able to wear, it says something about them as a person or their mood for that day. Brightly colored acrylics show off self-confidence. Gold and silver are a statement of pride in your accomplishments. Industrial stainless steel jewelry speaks of sensitivity and practicality.

It’s amazing what you can learn from people when you take the time to talk to them!

So the next time you see someone with an industrial piercing, or anything that may be a little different than the norm, be careful not to prejudge.

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