How to safely use natural remedies to stop menstrual flow

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Three years ago I was shopping with my husband in a small town several hours’ drive from my home. I suddenly had to run back to the car when I realized that I was experiencing a menstrual flow. This had never happened before. I was shocked and scared that the bleeding wouldn’t stop! I thought that there must be a natural method that could help me. After cleaning myself up in a nearby bathroom, pale and weak but not ready to give up, I asked my husband to take me to the natural health store in town.

‘No,’ the woman working there assured me with an amused smile, ‘there is nothing to stop menstrual bleeding or slow it down.’ The bleeding eventually stopped on its own, but that comment from a well meaning but ignorant employee left me upset and inspired to search for herbs that she knew must exist and could do what she said was impossible.

I found them.

Red raspberry leaf, lady’s cloak, shepherd’s purse, and yarrow delay or reduce menstrual bleeding. With a bit of research and experimentation, I found many other solutions to prevent the problem.

Use one or a combination of herbs to make an infusion, also known as herbal tea, or purchase an herbal tincture at the health food store. I chose to drink an infusion made from a mixture of 1-2 teaspoons each: dried red raspberry leaves and lady’s mantle leaves, covered the pot and steeped the herbs for 10 minutes in freshly boiled water. This treatment works best if you have one cup a day for about a week before your period and 1-2 cups during your period. If you like it sweeter, add several pieces of licorice root or a few lemon balm leaves to steep with the red raspberry leaves and lady’s mantle, or ¼ teaspoon of honey after the tea is ready.

An effective aromatherapy treatment is to rub the abdomen several times a day with 1 teaspoon of olive oil or sweet almond oil mixed with 2-3 drops of sage or vitex essential oil.

I also found an unusual suggestion for reducing heavy menstruation in an old Dian Dincin Buchman herbarium in my personal library. Grate and dry carrots and eat one piece at a time several times a day, as a powerful aid in regulating menstruation. Grate about a pound of the heaviest part of the carrot. Dry it on paper in the sun for a week or two until it shrivels into small pieces.” She also suggests adding a few cayenne peppercorns to your herbal tea of ​​choice, drinking diluted lemon juice during your period, eating lentils, and drinking half a cup of strong thyme tea, morning and evening She suggests making shepherd’s bag tea by infusing a handful of the herb in a pint of boiling water Drink the tea warm if possible Use 2 cups three times a day day.

A long-term solution to address the underlying cause of hormonal imbalance is the wonderful feminine herb Vitex, also known as chasteberry, which helps balance hormones. A scientific study from the 1930s using a tincture of dried vitex berries found that a month or two of using this herb normalized menstrual cycles and reduced flow.

Since excessive menstrual bleeding (or menorrhagia) can indicate a number of serious problems, be sure to see your doctor for a diagnosis before beginning self-treatment.

An excess of estrogen and prolactin or an excess of a hormone-like substance called prostaglandin 2 are two possible causes of heavy menstrual periods. A slow thyroid also increases menstruation. The same goes for endometriosis, uterine fibroids, an IUD contraceptive device, and blood-thinning medications.

Menstruation normally causes a decrease in physical energy, and if you bleed profusely, your blood pressure may drop, leading to a feeling of exhaustion and an irresistible urge to nap during the day. Excessive menstruation can lead to anemia and that can also lead to extreme fatigue. Some medical researchers believe that iron deficiency stimulates bleeding, which leads to even greater iron deficiency.

To correct anemia, drink herbal teas made with herbs that are high in iron, such as nettle, oat straw, red clover, red raspberry, goji berries, and rooibos. Your health food store will have Floridix in pill or liquid form that is highly absorbable, unlike the iron pills dispensed at conventional pharmacies.

If you experience cramps along with heavy bleeding, use the same herbs suggested for relieving menstrual cramps (wild yam root, false unicorn root, cramp bark, and tuberose) to reduce the severity of both problems.

Herbs to reduce excessive menstruation

Vitex (also known as chasteberry)- regulates and normalizes the hormones related to the reproductive system. It is especially beneficial and the herb of choice for many women to alleviate menopausal changes. It has a deep action in the reduction of “hot flashes”. Studies verify that vitex increases the production of luteinizing hormones, enhancing the progesterone cycle. At the same time, it inhibits the release of follicle-stimulating hormone, FSH, and normalizes the estrogen cycle. Vitex can be used for acute situations, but it is most effective if taken over a long period of time. Side effects have never been reported from extensive and prolonged use of this plant.

red raspberry: Due to the drying effect of the tannins it contains, red raspberry is used to treat profuse and painful menstruation. Relaxes uterine and intestinal spasms and strengthens the uterine walls. Red raspberry leaves are also nutritious, they contain vitamins A, B, C and E, they are also rich in calcium, phosphorus, niacin and iron. They are an excellent source of manganese, a trace mineral used by the body to produce healthy connective tissue, such as bone matrix and cartilage, and an important factor in energy metabolism. Red Raspberry promotes healthy nails, bones, teeth, and skin. Drinking 1-2 cups of red raspberry leaf every day makes a nourishing tonic tea.

the lady’s tableclothThe astringent and astringent properties of :Lady’s Mantle help reduce menstrual cramps and heavy menstrual bleeding. Helps a woman’s body adapt to changing hormone levels during menopause. It is an anti-estrogenic herb that helps regulate irregular cycles, relieves cramps.

Yarrow:A catalyst for the female reproductive system, it has a positive effect on ovarian problems, menstrual irregularity, menstrual cramps and symptoms of menopause, insomnia, nervous tension, stress-related conditions;. It is used to reduce excessive menstrual bleeding, to relieve menstrual cramps, and to stimulate late or absent menstrual cycles. Famous German herbalist Maria Treban writes: “Yarrow is a medicinal herb that would be hard to do without; it is of great value for many ailments, but above all, it is an herb for women. I cannot recommend yarrow highly enough for women.” women. .A woman during menopause should take advantage of yarrow tea and save herself a lot of internal restlessness and other problems.” She drinks a cup of arrow tea every day;

shepherd’s bag:Shepherd’s purse is used to stop heavy bleeding and hemorrhaging, particularly from the uterus when swallowed. It has also been used to treat postpartum hemorrhage. It is considered most effective for the treatment of chronic uterine bleeding disorders, including uterine bleeding due to the presence of uterine fibroids. Shepherd’s purse has been used internally to treat cases of blood in the urine and bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, such as bleeding ulcers. An astringent agent, shepherd’s purse constricts blood vessels and reduces blood flow. Shepherd’s purse is also believed to cause the uterine muscle to contract, which also helps reduce bleeding. It is a remedy for blood pressure problems, nosebleeds, irregular heartbeat, wounds, and burns.

Precautions: Pregnant or lactating women, people with kidney stones or kidney disease should avoid shepherd’s purse. Check with your doctor before taking shepherd’s purse if you have blood pressure, thyroid, or heart problems.

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