“How to Resolve Powerful Opposition by Reading Body Language” – Negotiating Tip of the Week

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He observed the body language of the opposite member and noticed an increase in his opposition. He thought: This intervention is not going well. I will show a stronger determination through me body language when I speak. And that will enhance my words.

Even those who are not astute to read body language are carried away by their gestures. Some see them and others miss them; your subconscious can capture the latter. That can lead someone to think, ‘I had a hunch or a feeling about it. But he didn’t know what it meant. Actually, that was his intuition summoning his consciousness. When one notices the slight gesture of someone biting their lips, their hands on their hips, or an intense gaze, those gestures convey a message.

You can use the following information about reading body language to resolve opposition to your position.

Identify alliances:

Always know who is aligned with whom before attempting an intervention. Without that insight, you don’t know who your true friend or enemy might be. That’s important because, without that knowledge, you can’t confront the real force that opposes you. Therefore, there may be a stronger force with higher powers that are not addressed. And that could leave you walking around wondering why you’re not making progress.

To identify possible factions aligned against you, consider planting misinformation about one group on the other. And note what that information does within those units. In particular, look at what information does for new alliances that the opposition forms. You can get additional information by visually inspecting the coalitions when you are in the same environment. Do this by noting who is congregating with whom and any other non-verbal exchanges that occur. He is looking for the smallest of changes to increase his advantage. If the forces are still engaged with each other as before, that could indicate that the information was insufficient for its purpose. It could also imply that there is a stronger alliance than you imagined. And FYI, this tactic works best if you have a confidant among your targets in the middle of the information.

While some may consider this maneuver covert, depending on the threat you face, it may be well justified, even if some insult you. Just keep in mind that those who have the most to lose will be the ones who will dispute you the most. Once discovered, they will be the real opponents that will challenge your position.

Understand an important tail of body language:

To identify alliances through body language, look at the gestures that members of the opposition exchange with each other. Gestures such as one member placing a hand on another’s shoulder as she speaks can silently indicate that she is seeking that person’s support. Someone can also be seen reaching for help when a person speaks, and someone in their group puts a hand on their shoulder. Since the pre-gesture can also be a form of control (ie let’s not go that far), take note of when it occurs and who initiates the action. If it’s a “let’s not go too far” intention, the person showing the gesture may be a leader behind the scenes or someone you can use later to control the person speaking. Using a veiled leader in that capacity would allow him to use the hidden powers of an influence.

Climbing signs:

Some body language gestures are like canaries in a coal mine: they portend imminent danger.

  • face to face

You can feel some body language gestures before the screen changes. Thus, those screens reflect the emotional state of that individual at that moment. Those signals are called microexpressions.

There are other signs to watch for, such as flexing of the hand, the hand becoming a fist, displaying a grimacing attitude as it approaches you, and increasing rate of speech. Such indicators can be the sign of emotional elevation, which can lead to hostile escalations.

It is important to notice such signs because they may indicate a change in mental temperature. And that could put you in a worse position, which can make you and them less receptive to logical thinking.

  • On the phone

When talking on the phone, pay attention to the deep sighs, deliberateness of words, and the pace of speech of the person you’re talking to. As someone’s anger builds, you’ll hear it rise through those non-verbal tails. Please note if you are also displaying such gestures. Because regardless of who commits those actions, it’s an opportunity for you to shift the conversation in a direction that suits your purpose.


You can tell the effectiveness of your efforts by the changing positions your opponents take. Please be aware of the change verbally and physically when you are in person. That will indicate their attempts to look for an opening that they can exploit. Which means they’re on the defensive.

Therefore, when you intervene in situations, depending on the value of the result, do so vigorously, without hesitation. Dithering can waste your time and hinder your position. And that is something you cannot afford. Use the body language signs mentioned before, during and after an intervention. They will put you in a more powerful position… and all will be well with the world.

Remember, you are always negotiating!

Listen to Greg’s podcast made https://anchor.fm/themasternegotiator

After reading this article, what are you thinking? I would like to know. contact me at [email protected]

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