How to make a hole in a glass bottle

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Over the years, I have found myself in situations where I needed to make a hole in glass bottles or just glass. From craft projects for the kids, fixing up the garage, or helping my friend make wind chimes out of soda bottles, we’ve settled on our top 3 methods! Here’s how to poke a hole in a glass bottle! Remember that all methods will require some patience, so be sure to set aside some time to complete your project!

Method 1

By far the diamond drill works best. YOU can buy them from a number of different places, we’ve found eBay to be the cheapest! Make sure to cover the bottom of the bottle with masking tape and leave an open circular shape in the desired location. Keep using your drill at a very low speed! Be patient! You can also collect some drilling oil to help with the entire cut. * Water works too!

Method 2

Using a round tapered file and drill. My husband refers to it as the rat tail file. Anyway, you need to get some turpentine and put some in a small oil can that has one of those squirt lids. You will use this to apply requests between presentations. This is a slow process, so be sure to use the slowest setting on your drill. Remember to let the friction of the file do the work, don’t try to rush the process by pressing firmly.

Method 3

Duct tape and lighter! I haven’t personally tried it, but my friend swears it. He makes a lot of glass wind chimes and says this is the only way to do it. It’s easy and almost free! First, cover the bottom of your bottle with duct tape. Remove the desired circle, then be sure to wet the surrounding edges of the tape, along with your fingers. * Suggest having a glass of water on hand, so if your fingers get hot, you can dip them in the glass. Next, use your lighter and heat the bottom of the bottle, and once it is very hot place it directly in cold water. Sometimes your circle won’t break completely, but you can end up with a file or a ball hammer!

All of the above methods will require some patience! There is no quick way! I’ve heard of other methods, but these are the safest for your bottle. Any method that contains alcohol or acetone combined with lighting will cause major stress points or fractures on your bottle. Hope you find it helpful and you have new knowledge on how to make a hole in a glass bottle. Remember that slow and steady always wins the race!

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