How to help your baby get through the painful stage of teething

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Teething can be painful for a baby and also for the mother if she is breastfeeding. The teething process or “cutting” all these baby teeth can be painful. When a tooth pushes through the sensitive gum and breaks it, it hurts, making the baby fussy.

There are some tablets like paracetamol and ibuprofen offered on the market to provide soothing relief to babies. However, there are reports that the use of these medications can lead to asthma and other respiratory illnesses, as they decrease lung function in both children and adults.

According to Dr. Palevsky of NY, a pediatrician, these drugs are not at all safe for human consumption. There are teethers that you can buy in the market today, but they are rubberized or made of plastic. As we all know, these materials contain substances that are not totally safe for our children either. To choose a safe remedy for our baby’s agony, we had to resort to the traditional way of helping our baby through this painful stage of teething. Here’s a local traditional alternative passed down to me by my ancestors that I know could help soothe your baby’s gums while they’re teething.


Garlic is known to have antimicrobial substances called organosulfur compound. Garlic is known to be native to Central Asia and has long been a recognized staple food in the Mediterranean region. It is frequently used as a condiment in Asia, Africa and Europe. The ancient Egyptians had been using garlic for medicinal or culinary purposes.


Many people today turn to honey for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Holistic practitioners consider honey to be one of nature’s best complete remedies.

A remedy for teething can be made by mincing or crushing garlic and mincing it finely to extract the juice and then combining it with honey to make a syrup mixture. This mixture is an excellent pain reliever for your teething baby. Simply put a drop on your fingertip and rub it around your baby’s gum. This will give you a calming effect. Your baby will surely enjoy its sweet taste thanks to the honey. Use this whenever your baby is feeling cranky and uncomfortable. You can store your mixture in a capped bottle and leave it outside of your refrigerator at room temperature.

Making this syrupy mixture is quick, easy, and inexpensive. It is more reliable and safer for your baby than any medicine or pain reliever on the market today. Another option for this traditional painkiller is Korean-made black garlic, which is also sold today in specialty stores. This Korean black garlic may look horrible from the looks of it, but it’s good for your taste buds. It is also known for its health benefits.

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