How to be exceptional instead of just capable

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Most people believe that being exceptional rather than just capable; you have to be unique, extraordinary and gifted. On the other hand, they also think that if you are capable, you can be skilled, somewhat talented, and even experienced. But what makes such a difference?

In life, as strange as it is, some individuals just go ahead and achieve their plans no matter the conditions or struggles they face, while there are others who work very hard, do whatever needs to be done, but still seem to they are not getting it. anywhere.

Why and how can this be happening?

It does not come simply from being gifted. The reason is that exceptional people do not feel fulfilled when it comes to simply being capable; they prefer to push the limits of their skills and experience to become masters in their fields and even beyond. They work harder than the rest to shape their world the way they dreamed of creating it.

Whereas, people who feel they are capable often accept mediocrity, even if they have the same potential as those who are remarkable; they just don’t realize they still have to unlock it.

The answer is like a double edged sword because they need to develop some strong habits that most of them are not willing to do.

All exceptional people have adopted strict daily habits in their approach to life. And the secret is that the snowball effect of these routines, day after day, leads to long-term success and makes these people incomparable every day. So where do you start?

where to start

You have to start by exploring and shaping your path from being able to being exceptional because various circumstances have happened in your life that prevent you from being a ‘rock star’.

While for you, it may be an honest lack of means and resources, for others, it’s just classic laziness. Either way, you have to overcome these things to reach exceptional status. You have to understand that there is no excuse or cause big enough for inaction. It’s up to you to walk down the aisle of being exceptional.

You have to appeal to your beliefs and do whatever is deemed necessary to create the best circumstances to move from ordinary undertakings to a truly extraordinary life. You should know that being exceptional does not inherently mean that you are the most talented at your job or in your life.

There is no need to compare yourself with famous people. There are a lot of exceptional people around you, such as teachers, doctors, firefighters or ordinary citizens who save a life, be it human or animal. Being unique means that you have a desire to go to the top and beyond, which is a route that many people who are more than capable are not willing to take.

Be aware of settling down

Unfortunately, most people settle. I’m pretty sure you’ve heard of gifted athletes or sports figures who settled for just being skilled and never went any further. Too many people are simply satisfied with their jobs and lives. They get married, have kids, get a degree, get a good job, and own a home that they often consider accomplishments, and that’s enough for them.

For me though, I think these things are stepping stones that make us grow and progress as we go from young to old. Countless people settle into mediocrity that feels like security and is the nature of human beings.

But aren’t you missing out on opportunities for something bigger?

There are also successful people who have no human impact or contribution to the rest of the world. On the other hand, some very successful people do what allows them to become exceptional. Not content with being experts and rich, these individuals prefer to make their mark by impacting life, turning them into extraordinary people.

You have to realize that what describes these types of people is their tenacity to withstand pressure and stress and to insist on making sacrifices that others will not see.

How to become an exceptional individual

Remember, you don’t have to be famous to be exceptional. Undeniably, incomparable beings come from the humblest places. Once they achieve their vision and find their purpose, they dedicate their resources to achieving their goals. It is in the process that they become extraordinary!

Needing Mentoring

One of the biggest reasons you don’t choose to be exceptional is because you don’t believe or are unaware of how great your skills or talents are, or possibly because you don’t have the mentorship you can look up to to match it. .

You need to find a particular person who can show you the ways so that you can advance to a higher level of completion or mastery. Start by reading books about people you admire as you search for a mentor.

Use of dissatisfaction

When you can no longer bear just being capable and have a desire to be a part of something bigger and more meaningful in your life, then you need to take on something that can challenge you, so that you become part of a bigger purpose.

Living an exceptional life requires that you find a worthy cause on your life’s journey. It has to be something that brings you the genuine desire to master it, beyond your current ability to transform your existence.

believing in yourself

No matter what, you have to believe in yourself. You need to trust the process and take the time to connect the dots in your life that didn’t make any sense for years. It’s when you see the big picture as a complete puzzle from afar that you’ll understand.

The result of that progression pushes you to put all the pieces of the puzzle together while other people are overwhelmed by just the idea. You have to get all the information and substantial means to overcome being just capable and become exceptional.

To be consistent

Like a great vintage wine, it takes a lingering consistency and time to be brilliant, which means you don’t trip over it. It will be two or three times harder to achieve because it means you are striving to move from being an expert to becoming a master.

In truth, you’re just getting better, rather than spending time competing with your peers. You have to understand that the greater the risk, the greater the success, which is the idea of ​​success.

Some more tips to be extraordinary

  • Focus on serving people. Special people know that focusing on people is more important.

  • Offer genuine support to others. One of the main things that exceptional people do every day is to be genuinely interested in the success and well-being of other people.

  • Ask for help. Amazing people know that asking for help is not a sign of weakness and that nothing can be accomplished alone.

  • Give credit and be grateful. Giving someone credit for their accomplishments and congratulating them costs nothing, it’s free, and yet some people hardly ever do it.

  • Admit your mistakes. Ordinary individuals blame others or find an excuse. Remarkable people, on the other hand, thrive by turning their mistakes into opportunities. They are never afraid to admit that they are wrong.

  • Push your limits. Anyone who reaches their extreme limits and goes beyond knows that it makes all the difference. If you don’t push yourself beyond your limits, you will never see your true potential in life. Start small, but start now.

  • Put your thoughts and words into action. An exceptional person understands the need to act. They don’t think things over for long, debate if or when, or procrastinate. They reverse and convert their thoughts into determined actions.

  • Take a break. Extraordinary people know that success doesn’t come overnight. They are in the game for the long haul, set ethic very high, work even harder to achieve their goals, but take a well-deserved break when necessary.

“You don’t have to do exceptional things, just do ordinary things exceptionally well” – Jim Rohn

You are capable of great things. You just need to master your willpower and mental strength to keep going even when the going gets tough and you discover your purpose in life.

Mastering your craft is always about overcoming obstacles, struggles, and problems in the most inventive way. For the truly exceptional people, a closed door only means an opportunity to look for another open door or window.

A final comment would be that being exceptional is a creation over a lifetime of work that is mastered by and through devoted purpose. As you can see, it’s better to be unique than a normal person only able to do things. So don’t just go for skill, go for this amazing gift of being exceptional, because if you don’t, you’ll miss out on a dazzling life!

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