How to Affordably Prepare for Interviews

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So she updated her resume, filled out applications, and finally got a call for an interview for her dream job – how exciting! Now there is only one thing left to do: get ready! It is absolutely crucial to prepare accordingly for the job you want; Not only does it increase your professionalism points, but it also gives employers a good impression of you. Below is my full list of how to affordably dress and prepare for interviews:

1. Go to bed early.

I know what you are probably thinking; How does this relate to dressing for an interview? Well, many reasons, actually. Sleeping the recommended 7-8 hours not only increases your acuity, it also makes you look and sound more awake. You won’t have as many bags under your eyes and your eyes will be bright and attractive. Not to mention, sleeping is 100% free!

2. Have an accessible accessory.

Large bags are the best thing to have by your side during that interview. Not only are they stylish, but they are extremely affordable. I got mine on Rue 21 for $ 7.00, and similar handbags can be purchased at Walmart, Target, etc. By “accessible accessory,” I mean putting that thing to use. Lay out your resume folders, water bottles, business cards, etc. in that! You will also look more prepared and ready for the interview, which makes a great impression on employers.

3. Carry a lint roller.

Pick up a lint roller at the Dollar Tree for just $ 1.00, it could be a great lifesaver! I have a Lab at home and he loves to sit on me, give me hugs, and lie on me. When I kiss my dog ​​goodbye, I could end up having a lot of fur all over the place that I obviously don’t want. On the other hand, you may have washed your clothes and have lint all over your suit. Both situations are not ideal, but there are affordable solutions for you. The lint rollers will remove everything; They are literal magic! Again, only $ 1.00 at Dollar Tree. I would also put this in your tote bag just in case!

4. Wear a hair tie.

The last thing at Dollar Tree to remember to get, I promise. Sometimes your hair doesn’t turn out the way you want it to, the weather is bad and your hair frizzes, or it’s very hot and you need to be comfortable. I swear I can have a thousand hair ties and still forget to bring one when I need it most. Fortunately, Dollar Tree always has unlimited amounts of hair ties for just $ 1.00. You also get an average of 30 hair ties per pack, which can be useful for future interviews. Good to wear on your wrist or in your handbag.

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