How smoothies benefit our immune system

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Weak immune system can seriously affect our physical performance. Weakened immunity can cause chronic fatigue, infections, weight loss or gain, digestive problems, anemia, stress, joint pain, bad skin, and cancer.

Strengthening your immune system is a long process. Healthy habits that include physical exercise, sufficient sleep and a balanced diet help to recover from weakness.

Although eating healthy is crucial for better immunity, making a healthy diet plan can be challenging and time consuming in a busy life. So what can be an easy solution for daily nutrition? Many people prefer smoothies as the most natural immunity booster. Smoothie ingredients are readily available and easy to make. You just need a quality blender. Here are some points on how smoothies improve our immunity.

Provide solid nutrition:
Chronic fatigue, dehydration, and slow metabolism indicate weak immunity. Researchers show that dark green vegetables like broccoli, spinach, kale, cabbage, cucumber and arugula are a natural cure for a weak immune system. They are rich in essential vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, alpha lipoic acid, sodium, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and carbohydrates. Green vegetables contain many micronutrients that are essential for our body. However, cooking and processing vegetables can damage them; it can even alter the chemical composition. Green smoothies made with raw vegetables provide solid nutrition. They help strengthen our immune system for a long time.

Defends Infections:
Virus infection is a common disease. Protecting our body from viruses and bacteria is the primary duty of the immune system. Some fruits and vegetables have been found to be directly helpful in preventing infections. Smoothies made with carrot, broccoli, spinach, kale, coconut, garlic, lemon, pineapple, curd, apple, papaya, and tomato contain antibacterial components that fight infections naturally without side effects. Smoothies rich in vitamin E provide powerful antioxidants that help our bodies fight infections. Drinking smoothies regularly can be great for kidney and liver health and also for preventing urinary tract infections.

Helps proper digestion:
The digestive system and the immune system work together. Digestive malfunction can directly affect our immunity. Soluble fiber and healthy bacteria in the gut are essential for an active digestive system. You can easily find these crucial components in healthy smoothies made with fiber-rich fruits like papaya, banana, apples, raspberries, pears, etc. Also, adding kefir and yogurt to smoothies can provide an added benefit as they produce gut-healthy bacteria and aid in proper digestion. They fight against digestive disorders that include abnormal pain, diarrhea, belching, burning sensation after eating, insomnia, gas, vomiting, stomach infection, etc. Drinking fruit smoothies regularly strengthens our digestive system and helps our immune system work better.

Balance body weight:
Perfect body weight indicates that you are fit and healthy. Sudden weight loss and weight gain are abnormal behavior of our body. It occurs due to failure of the immune system. When infections attack the body, the weakened immune system marshals all available energy to fight them off. This process reduces the absorption of nutrients from food and can result in weight loss. On the other hand, we suddenly gain weight if our body stores fat cells instead of breaking them down for energy. Your body needs balanced nutrition in both cases. Remember that our body better absorbs nutrients from food in liquid form. Smoothies have numerous benefits over solid foods. A blender breaks down fruits and vegetables into small pieces while maintaining the exact nutritional value. The shakes are rich in soluble fibers and micronutrients that are easily digested and absorbed by our body. They provide enough nutrition to our body and our immune system becomes stronger. Thus, it helps maintain a healthy body weight.

Reduce stress naturally:
Stress is the silent killer. It occurs due to problems in our lives and causes many health problems. When we are tense, stress hormones begin to pump throughout the body. These hormones can impair the ability of the immune system, reduce white blood cells, damage tissues, and increase susceptibility to infection. Undoubtedly, pleasant mood is necessary for a healthy life. Did you know that some smoothies can make you feel happy? Fruits like bananas, apples, mangoes, papaya, coconuts, berries, oranges, and pineapples are famous as instant stress killers. Prepare a glass of refreshing smoothies by mixing your favorite fruits and drink after a busy day at the office. The shakes prepared with these ingredients are the excellent source of vitamin B complex, potassium, antioxidant, folic acid, selenium, pectin fiber, zinc, vitamin C and enzymes that help you to be more relaxed.

Prevent cancer:
White blood cells help the immune system. They generate antibodies that fight against harmful viruses, bacteria and invaders. Some of them, for example, eosinophils attack and kill parasites and abnormal cells. Unfortunately, the cancer can spread to the bone marrow and weaken the immune system. Preventing cancer is better than curing it. Some research estimates that a diet plan that includes more fruits and vegetables can reduce the rate of cancer by 20%. Another study shows that sufficient intake of fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of developing cancer of the mouth, stomach, lung, kidney, breast, prostate, colon and rectum. The higher level of antioxidants and other nutrients in green smoothies prevent the growth of cancer cells in our body. Many studies show that green smoothies produce new white blood cells that destroy cancer cells.

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