Hotels in Aruba

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Tourists love the Caribbean. Aruba tops the list of places to visit in the region due to its consistently warm and sunny weather. Due to a high growth tourism industry, hotels in Aruba are very competitive. Once one hotel introduces a new feature or service, other hotels make the move to match or surpass the new product or service in no time. Due to this mentality, almost all hotels in Aruba have casinos, gyms, spas, restaurants, bars, gardens and swimming pools. Yet with all these amenities, hotels still offer incredibly affordable prices.

With so many hotels to choose from (and with nearly identical amenities and services), here are some simple guidelines to help you choose the perfect hotel in Aruba. Budget is usually the number one concern for all tourists. There are several hotels that offer accommodation of the highest standards at affordable prices. You can even get bargain prices during promotional periods or off-seasons. However, hotel prices can be very unpredictable as they can vary from month to month.

If you don’t need all the high-end amenities and services that come with a luxury hotel, there are also several low-rise hotels that come with fully equipped kitchens. These hotels are conveniently located near the beaches and offer guests much lower rates.

Convenience would probably be the next consideration after cost. In Aruba, the proximity of the city’s beaches and restaurants is not an issue, as many of the high-rise hotels are clustered together, giving you the freedom to wander the city at your convenience.

If you are looking to tour the land of Aruba, many of the hotels offer travel packages that come with the accommodation of your choice. It is advisable to calculate the cost of the tour. Hotel tours are often more expensive than an itinerary that you can put together on your own or with the help of your local tour operator.

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