Happiness comes with understanding the unbiased universe

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When you realize that the Universe is impartial, then you can find happiness. The Universe is governed by laws that apply to everyone and everything. No one is immune because those laws operate 24/7, outside of their knowledge. You don’t have to believe they exist for them to work, for you or apparently against you.

Those laws are impersonal. They work the same for good things and people as they do for bad things and people. That’s why bad things happen to good people. The Universe doesn’t care if you only do good and live an exemplary life. The Universe gives you what you ask for. If you don’t know how to ask, or if you are asking when you behave in a certain way, then you end up living less than the life of your dreams.

Nothing comes to you without you making a request. If you live without knowing how to ask for what you want, it is most likely that you will constantly ask for what you do not want in your life. The strange thing is that you then wonder why your world looks the same every day.

You see, asking is not praying, as most religious groups teach. Asking is not making a deal with a judgmental God who rewards and punishes. There is no such entity. There is a Universal Life Force that fulfills every request.

Requests come in the form of thoughts accompanied by emotions. The more emotion that accompanies a thought, the faster that thought becomes a reality for the person making the request. Hmm. Most people don’t realize that they are making requests by thinking and feeling strongly about their thoughts. And therein lies the problem.

When people worry about something, they give a lot of emotion to the worry. The Universe pays attention to focused energy and delivers by making that concern real. So the person then says, “See. I told you so.” That person takes no responsibility for thinking the thoughts or empowering those thoughts. They see themselves as victims in an unjust Universe.

You see, it doesn’t matter if you’re a good person doing good things or a bad person doing bad things. Anything you focus on comes out as a request to the Universe that is fulfilled, as long as you don’t send conflicting requests at the same time.

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