Grooming Needs of the Portuguese Water Dog

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The following are the parts of a comprehensive grooming process for your Portie:

  1. brushing and combing
  2. nail cutting
  3. ear cleaning
  4. Bathrooms
  5. air dry
  6. snip/scissors

Among the subsequent grooming steps, steps 1-3 should be done weekly, while brushing and combing can be done more frequently, as required by the length of the coat and the dog’s activities. Bathing and drying off is good enough every two to three weeks. Trimming can be done as needed or desired depending on the overall look you want for your dog.

Like other dogs that have little shedding, the Portuguese Water Dog needs frequent clipping or clipping. His fur grows longer and longer, until it becomes unruly without intervention. Clipping a dog is very easy to learn and perform, unless the owner prefers a professional groomer. The latter involves considerable costs, of course, which is why many homeowners are starting to learn how to fix themselves. All of this makes a dog clipper a good investment. Plus, professional care can cost you at least $500 a year.

A grooming table, while not a necessity, helps a lot. The purpose is for the dog to be able to lie down on a solid, flat surface where he can feel secure while being groomed.

A nail clipper or nail grinder are necessary items that you will need to master using. Surprisingly, many dog ​​owners are unaware of the fact that careless tool placement when clipping nails can lead to blood vessel injury, which may explain the animal’s dislike for nail hygiene.

But what if an outage occurs despite your best intentions? Then the following item should not be missing in your toiletry kit, nor in your first aid kit: styptic powder. This chemical helps stop most bleeding.

Being a lop-eared breed, the Portuguese Water Dog will need help in managing certain ear problems, something pointy-eared dogs are free of. Implement regular cleaning through ear cleaners that can be purchased over the counter after consulting with your vet.

Optional items in your grooming kit could be: a dog conditioner (apart from the mandatory shampoo) that controls matting and prevents unsightly splitting of hair; a hair dryer to help dry your dog faster and to help him avoid cleaning fur on surfaces throughout the house.

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