God’s only government has two branches!

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The Sabbath-keeping Church of God (staying true to the plain truth of the Bible taught by Herbert W. Armstrong) has heard a lot about government, but many seem to have forgotten that God’s government has TWO branches: Church (Priest ) and State (King). That is why many have difficulty reconciling apparent differences or contradictions between “the Law of Moses”, with its statutes and judgments that we are commanded to REMEMBER (Malachi 4), and Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount”.

The Law of Moses (actually, the revealed Law of God) consists of community or NATIONAL laws. That is why the state can execute hardened criminals or wage war and be innocent in the eyes of God (Romans 13). The State is actually sanctioned by Scripture to take revenge on God! They have authority to delegate, whether to enforce the law or protect the country. They are to protect, serve, and defend the community and country, and encourage obedience to God’s laws. The State must not only make an example of those who do not love God, the king and the country, but praise those who do!

However, Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount” applies to INDIVIDUALS. It reveals an attitude of going further, of not being trigger-happy or always demanding our rights (there is a time and a place and a way). But some have taken the hyperbole of Jesus to a pacifist and sanctimonious extreme that Jesus never intended! Jesus did not say, “If someone rapes your wife, give him your daughter too,” or “if someone steals your car, offer him your house as well.” Christ commands us to love our neighbor ace Ourselves, no more than ourselves! And when he spoke of enemies, he meant those with whom we PERSONALLY disagree; He was talking about INDIVIDUALS with whom we have had conflicts. Christ was preaching about interpersonal relationships, NOT international affairs!

If anyone carefully and prayerfully studies the Scriptures, they will see that these things are so. They will see that it is not wrong to call Joseph and Judah to OBEY GOD and not fear men; appreciate and not despise our birthright and inheritance; never surrender our God-given Temple Mount, prophesied land possessions and strategic sea gates and prominent place in the world (which allows us to do much good), ordained by God. And as a God fearing nation, we will understand that sacrifice means sacrifice, that battles are battles, and that we must offer, if and when necessary to OBEY GOD, our blood, labor, sweat, and tears!

It is indicative of the curse we are under when we are afraid to fight national enemies and risk losing a few lives in the process. The ghost of Vietnam haunts us. The pride of our power has been broken. Thank God for those who sacrificed their lives and fortunes to found this great country of Manasseh! And we should be thankful for those who truly sacrificed so that we can remain free from tyranny and practice our Biblical religion as a free people in a free land.

Judah, too, was founded by those men and women who sacrificed everything for future generations, and has been preserved by others with the same attitude and selfless actions.

May God bless Joseph and Judah, and the Church of God, to recognize and respect the one government of God with its two branches!

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