Formation of the Paraguayan Cuisine

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Preserving a very vivid history of constant influence from other nations and states, it is not surprising that Paraguay’s national cuisine has absorbed culinary traditions from various cultures, including Indian, Spanish and European itself. Today most of the dishes in Paraguay are the resemblance of indigenous traditions, Brazilian and Argentine courses. Being located in the heart of the continent without any access to the sea, it stands to reason that crops, vegetables, and livestock play important roles as crucial components of the national cuisine.

Culinary traditions vary according to the region of Paraguay. For example, the Chaco is a place of distribution for Indians and, therefore, the cuisine based on indigenous recipes, in addition to having crops and vegetables as main components, complemented with beef and poultry, due to the arid climatic conditions of the region. zone. The Europeans greatly influenced the southern part of the country, establishing the culture of using dairy products, vegetables and meats in the daily ration. Typical dishes from each part of Paraguay are Sopa (a mixture of different crops) and Chipa (bread), yucca traditionally replaces potatoes, which are difficult to grow in Paraguay. The predominance of fruits and vegetables in the central zone fully balances the stodge, based on European traditions.

In addition to Chipa and Sopa, there are some dishes that contribute to the national cuisine of Paraguay:

1. The facts of crops: Mezzamora (samp), Locro (Braised crops), Mbaipi-Soi (corn pudding);

2. Soups: Soup-Paraguaya, prepared with onion, milk and cheese; Soyo-Sopi (with the addition of noodles and rice), So’o Yosopy (ground meat and corn), Bori-Bori – meat soup with cheese and corn.

3. Meat dishes: Barbecue (cuts of different types of meat), So’o Ku’I (empanada with meat and rice), Surubi Fish, etc.

The specific element of Paraguayan cuisine is mate, considered not only traditional, but also internationally famous. It is also called Yerba mate in correspondence with the rainforest plants from which it is made and served in almost every restaurant. There is also a specific culture of drinking it from calabash gourd and metal tube. Paraguay is fighting with its neighbors over who was the first to invent this wonderful drink, which replaces coffee, tea or any other drink for the local population. Mate is also recognized to have a healing effect on the gastrointestinal tract and help overcome obesity problems. The consumption of this drink along with some diets is very important, since mate saturates the body with useful substances and destroys the feeling of hunger.

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