Foreplay starts at breakfast

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What is the number one problem in most relationships?

Statistics overwhelmingly show that sexual satisfaction between couples declines the longer the relationship lasts. Unfortunately, it happens quietly, secretly, and often without discussion: causing resentment, frustration, lack of intimacy, and often infidelity. Worse yet, the vicious cycle of not having enough sex only breeds more celibacy.

Tea TRUE is that in every relationship, a person wants ‘HE’ further. and even in relationships with a ‘routine’ sexual life, there is a good chance that sexual satisfaction is not mutual.

So you’re not getting enough IT? If this is how you feel, then you are part of the 75% of married men and women who are not completely satisfied in the bedroom. Men often have a main complaint in a marriage of not having enough, while women are so upset about the toilet seat being left UP for the umpteenth time (as well as other things), that all sexual desire is killed by stress. And while meeting in the middle would be a classic place to get undressed and have sex anyway (men say), it can be an extremely difficult place to find in a relationship that’s struggling with intimacy.

The easiest thing for both partners is to shift the blame. He says that she used to be a sex kitty in the good old days and she says that he used to take the time to make love to her, instead of having her kick in in 8 minutes during the spin cycle in the laundry room. . He says that she used to be open to anything and that she’s too busy dealing with spoiled kids and housework to think about sex. Then as usual he goes on to say… if only he would help me more (in hundreds of ways) I would feel the love and probably be in the mood for sex more often. (Even if it’s only 8 minutes) To that, he replies, if he just gave me oral sex while watching Sports Center, I wouldn’t be so tense and could have the energy to cook dinner or do something. the dishes for her. (MEN BY THE WAY – To say that doing things around the house is something that is done FOR HER is a BIG mistake)

Do you know what comes next? A heated argument that is filled with eye rolls, stomping, hurt feelings, resentment, harsh words, more resentment, separate beds, and definitely no sex tonight.

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