Dog and Cat Supplements: What Your Pets Would Really Want If You Could Tell Them

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Supplements for dogs and cats allow all kinds of pet owners to do what’s best for their furry friends. In addition to providing endless love, food, and safe shelter, there is so much more you can do for your dogs and cats to keep them happy and healthy. Nutritional supplements for dogs and cats can rejuvenate their health, increase their life expectancy and promote overall vitality.

If you don’t currently use nutritional supplements for dogs and cats in your life, you may be wondering why you need them…

extra food: Even the most advanced pet food can’t give your pet all the nutrition they need.

Advanced Nutrients: Also, many nutritional supplements lose their effectiveness in pet food form. Giving your pet advanced nutrition in supplement form will restore his body from the inside out.

Look for a nutritional supplement for dogs and pets that contains ingredients that help promote longevity and wellness.

– DMAE should be looked for in nutritional supplements for dogs and cats. DMAE elevates mood, improves memory and increases physical energy, all of which are important to a pet’s health.

– L-Carnitine is another key ingredient that helps the cells of all animals to better metabolize fats for faster energy. It has also been clinically shown to increase shelf life.

If you’re not sure if nutritional supplements are right for your pet, check out this amazing story… Luna was a tiny, underweight kitten at 1.7 pounds when she was first given to a foster owner. She was so young that she could not be put up for regular adoption. Her adoptive owner tried to help her gain weight and improve her health, but the little creature was still struggling. She slowly gained some weight, but then developed a swollen belly. The vet couldn’t explain it and theorized that little Luna had multiple birth defects. Her adoptive owner decided to keep her because she was still too sick to put her up for adoption.

Further consultations with the vet revealed that poor Luna had additional veins in her liver, as well as a large vein in her heart that was causing her developmental problems. Her liver enzymes were 7 times what they should have been, her kidneys were not working well, she vomited frequently, and she could not eat normal food. The vet told the owner that Luna didn’t have long to live.

Her owner realized that she had a nutritional supplement in her house that could help. She decided to try it. She administered a powerful nutritional supplement with metabolic compounds to Luna twice a week, and within a short period of time Luna was eating her normal cat food and the vomiting had stopped. A follow-up appointment revealed that her liver enzymes had dropped by almost half and her kidney function had returned to normal.

If this story is inspiring, imagine what a quality pet supplement can do for your furry family member. Selecting the right supplement is key. Look for the above ingredients in any supplement you choose to ensure it will provide real benefits to your pet.

Supplements for dogs and cats are not a luxury. They are an essential part of keeping your pet healthy and active for many years.

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