Do not trade in these circumstances

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Negotiation means a method of reaching an agreement or agreement through an interaction involving two or more people. It is a negotiation made to reach a mutual answer or agreement. Trading is very popular among business communities to generate profit. However, it is very common in daily life. Parents make a deal with children to motivate them to perform well and discipline by promising a gift or anything the children want. Union leaders negotiate with employers to win favors for themselves and the workers. At the global level, countries negotiate to guarantee the rights of ownership and use of resources. However, negotiation should be withdrawn in the following situations.

Purchase of handmade products. Anyone will appreciate the intricate skill and manual labor that goes into producing beautiful handicrafts and artifacts, such as stone and wood carvings. Naturally, one should not haggle when purchasing such art goods.

Small merchants. No one bargains with the big showrooms when buying jewelry or textiles. Because it becomes a matter of ego and insult to their status. However, the same people argue with small shopkeepers and street vendors for reducing the prices of basic products such as vegetables, fruits, etc.

Health matters. Growth and maintenance are the two vital components of human health. A person should never compromise health by being too cunning to reduce food intake or rest. In fact, money spent on good nutrition is the best investment one can make. Because wealth cannot make a person happy without good health.

Medical treatment. Any serious illness requires proper medical treatment. There are people who have lost their loved ones because of the bargain made for cheap medicine and treatment. However, one must be alert not to be misled by the medical profession. A popular hospital charged double the normal fees for a person after learning of his high position in a government office. But when this person pointed out the double standards of the hospital, the latter returned half of the fees. Therefore, one can collect the cost details of the top three hospitals and analyze them to come up with the cheapest yet reliable one.

Charities. Any donation made under compulsion will only lead to a bargain. Parents are forced to shell out donations to gain admission to a good school or university. Companies donate to political parties expecting a favor in return. A business owner approached the staff of a bank that sanctioned certain credit limits to his firm, to donate to a trust and avail himself of the benefit of income tax exemption. He also arranged funds from his business to do this purpose.

By helping others, don’t expect anything in return. That also, when someone is in trouble, negotiating for personal and pecuniary gain is an inhumane act.

emergencies. There will be no transportation available to get to the train or bus station during heavy rains. Someone has a high fever or needs urgent medical attention. In such circumstances, a person should not waste time negotiating with taxi drivers or car drivers to reach the destination or the hospital.

So be careful in your trading and make sure no one suffers any inconvenience or loss.

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