Do It Yourself Foundation Repair – Is It Possible?

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Inevitably, even the most dedicated DIYers among us eventually run into something beyond our capacity. The show Home Improvement with Tim Allen included these scenarios in almost every episode.

So here’s our question: Is home foundation repair a do-it-yourself project or better left to a professional contractor?

As with any repair, the answer depends on several factors. But before we dive into the details, here’s the answer in a nutshell: If your house is built on a narrow space and it’s sagging in the middle instead of the outside, you may be able to fix it yourself.

If your home is on a slab, or if it’s in a tight space and settling around the perimeter, you definitely need a professional foundation repair contractor.

You may be wondering why. The answer is because repairing sagging walls that sit on concrete requires tools and expertise that virtually no homeowner has, and also involves risks that aren’t worth taking. However, repairing sagging joists in a tight space can be a manageable project for the motivated DIYer if they have some experience as a handyman.

Let’s break down a process to see if you can potentially handle it yourself:

First: Identify your base type

Is your home on a slab/basement or crawl space? You may know the answer right away. If you’re not sure, take a look at the exterior walls of your house. If there is an access door or vent near the bottom of the exterior walls, your home is built on a crawl space. These are especially prevalent in the southern and southeastern states. Otherwise, your house is built on a concrete slab. Slab and foundation constructions are also common. If you have a modular home, this article won’t help you much.

Second: Identify the symptoms of foundation problems

You’ll want to be sure that what you’re seeing is due to foundation settling before attempting to fix it. Common symptoms include:

  • Cracked bricks or cracked foundation walls
  • leaning chimneys
  • Windows/doors sticking
  • rock plate cracks
  • fallen floors
  • Sloping basement walls

Third: Determine the type of repair needed

The first two steps will likely give you all the information you need to determine whether or not you can address the issue on your own.

Use this as a guide:

Need a Foundation Repair Contractor regardless of base type Yeah:

  • Your bricks or exterior walls are cracked
  • Your chimney is leaning away from the house.
  • Your exterior doors or windows are sticking because they are not square to the rest of the exterior wall

These symptoms indicate problems with exterior walls that sit on a concrete foundation or slab. You do not want to try this type of solution on your own.

If your house is on a slabyou will want a professional evaluation with any of the symptoms listed above.

You may be able to do it yourself if your house is built on a narrow space and you are experiencing:

  • Plaster cracks on interior walls
  • fallen floors
  • Paste bedroom or closet doors (in other words, doors that do not lead to the entrance or exit of the house)

It could be that you have a floor joist between concrete pillars that needs support. A seasoned DIY enthusiast can find pole sockets at a local hardware store and understand enough to install one. If a floor joist needs support on a concrete pier, shims can sometimes be installed for support. However, other cases require more advanced work, such as the reconstruction of a pier. Keep in mind, however, that it’s easy to raise the floor too high and cause damage.

DIY or not DIY

The bottom line is this: if signs of foundation failure appear on your home’s perimeter walls (whether inside or out), you’ll need a professional. If your house is built on a narrow space and the symptoms of settling appear on the interior walls, there is a chance that you can do it yourself. But before you dive in, keep in mind that most professional quotes are free.

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