Disappearing for a while after the breakup will make your ex start missing you!

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Even if you feel depressed about your breakup, you should not forget that you and your ex were happy together and loved each other until just before the argument you had. Well, at the moment your ex wants nothing to do with you, but do things the right way and you will make your ex miss you.

The first thing you should NOT do is try to make contact with your ex. Firstly, it’s too soon after the breakup and they’ll just start arguing again, and secondly, your ex won’t get a chance to miss you.

There doesn’t have to be any contact between you and your ex, whatever from now on. For the first few weeks, your ex will think this is the best thing that ever happened to them. This is because your ex is still terribly angry with you and is still in a lot of pain from the breakup. Doing this right now will not make your ex miss you.

However, once the excitement of being single begins to wear off and your ex fully gets over the pain and anger of the breakup, they will think very differently. You see, when the hurt and anger subside and your ex’s emotions begin to calm down again, something else happens. Your ex’s feelings for you begin to soften and those loving feelings begin to return. Now this will make your ex miss you.

This is when you will probably start to see your ex lurking somewhere in the background when you are out with your friends. Don’t reply now though, it’s still too soon. Your ex will get tired of just seeing you from a distance and start talking to his friends about you. He/she will want to know what you have been doing and if you have been talking about him/her.

What happens that will really convince you that you can make your ex miss you is when you start getting texts and emails from your ex. He/she is really missing you like crazy now, and he/she is taking the plunge and getting in touch with you.

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