Destiny or choice? How aromatherapy reveals the real you

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In my last article, I mentioned that my client with over 10 years of anxiety was on the mend; he used to have palpitations every time he walked to a lower elevation. The subject of palpitations made her unable to drive, she didn’t even have the courage to start the car’s engine. The problem was solved with the use of an aromatherapy inhaler. He regained his confidence after trying the inhaler. The recovery process took two months. During that time, there were complications, possibly due to the fact that she had previously had breast cancer.

While using aromatherapy, she ate the wrong food that caused her abdominal pain. There was fluid leaking from his wounds. This symptom continued for a month with no signs of improvement. I asked him to seek medical advice, but he refused.

I made him another inhaler to ease his anxiety. After inhaling for three days (3 times a day), miracles happened. His pain stopped completely and there was no sign of fluid leaking from his wounds. At the same time, his anxiety seemed to fade. His palpitations disappeared. Tried driving for the first time in several years. I advised him to take a driving course, but he decided not to.

The inhaler I made includes [the formulation is adapted from Butje (2014) (1)]:

5 drops of rose (Damascene rose)

5 drops of orange (Citrus sinensis)

5 drops of patchouli (Pogostemom cablin)

According to Battaglia (2003) (2), the therapeutic properties of the combination are the following:

Rose is associated with the heart. It is emotionally healing and is good for people with palpitations. It is also very soothing for those who have agitation, irritation and anxiety. Orange is emotionally uplifting; can move stagnant energy. Its calming nature can be used to calm people with anxiety. Patchouli is earthy, soothing and calming. It can ease a person’s stress and worries.

She told me that the inhaler looks like the Chinese Medicine “Yunnan Bai Yao” because it helped her to heal the wound. In fact, he re-injured the wound before it fully healed and hurt. He used inhalation several times and that stopped the pain. Since it is not conclusive to say that the inhaler is a version of “Yunnan Bai Yao”, more research needs to be done to validate it.

I made this inhaler to alleviate your anxiety ailment without examining its other functions. What I discovered during the course of her healing process was that inhaling essential oils could help relieve pain (Aromahead 2013) (3). The oils were able to heal the wound without being applied topically.

Your future looks brighter now. I saw that she had no desire to change her lifestyle. I envy my lifestyle as my husband supports my efforts financially and logistically. She hopes her husband supports her in the same way that my husband does. I suggested that she consult a psychologist to find the best option for her life.

After their recovery, the complexion of their faces glowed. It used to have black spots, but now most of it is gone. His skin became moister, clearer and healthier, an indication that he is in better health than before.

To help her calm her “limitless” desires, I prepared an inhaler for her as follows [ the formulation is adapted from Chan (2015) (4)]:

2 drops of Clary Sage (Salvia scleria)

5 drops of cardamom (Cardamom Elettaria)

5 drops of incense (Boswellia carteri)

Battaglia (2003) mentions in his book the therapeutic properties of the above combination:

Cardamom is a tonic for the nervous system. I chose this oil because the client has chronic anxiety that drains a lot of energy. He is also a cephalic that can keep my client in a clear mind. Sage is a general tonic for the body, it brings tranquility to the nervous system.

I hope that your mind clears, that you have the motivation to start a new life, and that your emotional wound heals.

After using the above oils for three days, her voice became very clear. He could express himself clearly and vividly. I found that I was leaning towards expensive items and wanted rose essential oil and nothing else. However, I encouraged her to try this inhalation as it might help her sleep better. Our body will heal our ailments when it is at rest. When we are sick or have an emotional problem, we may not be able to feel what is right as there is a distortion in our perception. Since I am not a psychiatrist, I cannot diagnose whether she is completely cured or not. What I can say is that his life has returned to normal.

I have used it with people with epilepsy or PTSD to relieve their stuffy nose or breathing problems. Feedback has been very positive. It has improved their emotions and helped them clear their congestion and stagnant energy.

How far can aromatherapy go to help one heal? The truth is that it is only part of the integrating process. Teamwork and combined resources must be factored into healing protocols. It is always a temptation to expect more, but sometimes less is better. In some cases, it works best if we refer the client to another healthcare provider. The story of his recovery will continue, but who will be responsible for his own life if it is left to fate?


1. Aromahead Institute. (2013). Take your own breath for muscle tension. Retrieved from

2. Battaglia, S. (2003). The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy. Virginia, QLD: The International Center for Holistic Aromatherapy.

3. Butje, A. (2014). Natural remedies with aromatherapy. Obtained from the app store.

4. Chan, F. (2015). The rise of oil heating. FORromatherapy acology today. 62 (4), 10-11.

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