Dehydrated water

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Putting water in a bottle was a stroke of genius. It allowed people to control the quality of the water they drink and gave some creative and not-so-creative entrepreneurs the ability to get rich very quickly. After all, they bottled something that was relatively cheap and readily available to all people.

The dehydration process has been very good for humanity. It removed moisture from everything from fruit to red meat, allowing the final product to store longer at room temperature or higher. The taste of the dehydrated product is sometimes preferable to the taste of the original product. The dehydration process got me thinking. I came up with the brilliant idea of ​​dehydrated water. Just think how convenient it would be to have great water when you need it. I thought about it, studied the dehydration process and came up with the perfect process to provide dehydrated water to the public.

My first step would be to buy a jar full of empty plastic bottles. Next, I would make sure the bottles were well sealed and airtight. Then I’d price this new product in line with some of the high-end water products on the market today. Finally, I would include very simple instructions on the label. The instructions would say, “Turn the lid on and just add water.” In less than a few seconds you would have a bottle of freshly hydrated water. Make sure to maintain the proper ratios of dehydrated water to water, 1/1000: 1, so that the rehydrated water doesn’t get too wet or dry out a bit. Unlike other bottled waters, it could rehydrate dehydrated water over and over again.

It’s a great business plan, because the bottles are relatively cheap and the dehydrated water costs next to nothing. It is an invention that rivals the pet Rock Phenomenon of the late 1970s. I’m sure there are still those kinds of people in the world who recognize a really good product when they see it. The same kind of people that the late PT Barnum spoke so fondly of when he said, “There is a fool being born every minute.”

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